Bozell's Column

Founder and President of the Media Research Center, L. Brent Bozell III runs the largest media watchdog organization in America. Established in 1987, the MRC has made “media bias” a household term, tracking it and printing the compiled evidence daily. Mr. Bozell is a nationally syndicated writer to more than 50 newspapers around the country, whose work appears in publications such as Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post, The Washington Times, The New York Post, The L.A. Times and National Review.

Bozell Column: Resisting the Bush Book

The media's hate-hate relationship with George W. Bush continued with the release of his memoir. ABC petulantly ignored it. CBS and NBC hammered him again on Hurricane Katrina.

The Vast Child-Fattening Conspiracy

The social libertines aren't permissive about everything. In San Francisco, they're banning Happy Meal toys because the food isn't healthy enough. Bake sales and Pepsi are under forceful attack.

Bozell Column: More of the Same in 2011

Liberals show no signs of moving to the center, and the liberal media will keep raining fire on the Tea Party and proposed spending cuts in the year to come.

Losing Your Head at the Supreme Court

If video-game makers have their way, the Constitution will protect the right of grade-school kids to graphically rip off the heads of people on Sony's PlayStation 3.

Bozell Column: Obama Failed to Communicate?

This has to be the most ridiculous spin to emerge to explain the Why the Republicans Massacred Us question: Obama didn't communicate his "accomplishments."

'Glee' and 'Gentlemen'

A sleazy photo shoot for GQ magazine backfired on Fox's "Glee," with even Katie Couric voting thumbs-down. But Lawrence O'Donnell said I started a "cult."

Bozell Column: NPR's Religion Double Standard

NPR said Juan Williams' comments about "Muslim garb" were a firing offense, but they can be as insulting as they want toward Christians, and no one gets punished.

Shock and Awful Art

Another tiresome rerun of taxpayer-funded blasphemy: Jesus in urine, Jesus in chocolate, and now Jesus in (homo)sexual ecstasy.

Bozell Column: Nearly Invisible Harry Reid

While reporters rush to report the latest "wacky" quote from Sharron Angle, the networks haven't lifted a finger to cover Harry Reid's cascade of rhetorical stumbles and outrages. Why is he absent ...

Parents vs. "Public Health"

Parents in D.C. were stunned to find their 12-year-olds were asked if they were "transgender," if they "would know where to get condoms," and if they used cocaine or heroin.
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