
Twenty Years After Black Monday: Similar and Very Different

Media hoped for the best, but warned about the worst on Oct. 19, 1987. Now, it's mostly the latter.

CNN: Perception Trumps Reality with Recession

Business correspondent Ali Velshi admits how people 'feel' is more important than economic fundamentals.

The Times Finds Media Bias in Lou Dobbs' Excoriation of Illegal Immigration

A selective venture into journalistic fact checking, again starring Lou Dobbs and his "thunderous" opposition to illegal immigration.

Gore: Universal Health Care a 'Right'

Nobel Peace Prize winner posts video over weekend calling for health care as an American right.

ABC, CBS Change Tune and Recognize Woes of Social Security

Networks show improved coverage, but where were they in Spring 2005 when it was the 'hot-button' issue?

CBS Sounds Stock-Market Crash Alarm

'Evening News' uses faulty comparisons to suggest the possibility of a Black Monday-like crash.

Gore Wins Thanks to Media's Fever Pitch on Global Warming

Climate alarmist receives Nobel Peace Prize with conveniently red hot support from journalists.

Some Like It Warmer As Networks Offer Conflicting Winter Reports

ABC, NBC, and CBS dish up three different illustrations of the looming winter months and whether warm or cold, all are bad.

Gore Ignores Repeated Global Warming Debate Challenge

Former vice president claims promoting climate change awareness is his most important mission, but won't take on critics.

Matthews Takes GOP 'Economic Issue' Debate to Iraq and Beyond

Moderator helped push discussion into non-economic concerns including bin Laden and policing Internet.
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