
CBS: Recycling Might Be a Deadly Problem

Increased transport of scrap materials causing '25,000 accidents a year.'

CNN's Gupta Battles Moore about 'SiCKO' Stats

Medical expert: Moore 'cherry picked' 'SiCKO' data. Filmmaker complains, though both are Democratic donors.

Gore Can't Even Recite His Global Warming Pledge Accurately

Former vice president's media barrage misstates which nations would pay the price for his plans.

Critics Ramp up Murdoch Attacks as Dow Jones Sale Alleged

Media mogul considered not capable of maintaining the Wall Street Journal as 'independent' and 'high-quality.'

Got Milk? Gas Prices Drop, So ABC Has Some Dairy

With little mention of a 24-cent drop in gasoline prices, 'World News' milks a new consumer gripe.

CBS: NFL 'Putting Profits Ahead of Players'

Report blames player ailments on league neglect without examining circumstances surrounding some complaints.

Bottled Water Ban Not Enough

CNN focuses on Greenpeace response to rule that cans bottles in name of global warming. [correction appended]

Review: 'SiCKO' Doesn't Offer Cure-All for Health Care

Michael Moore offers a lot of criticism for American health care, but his solution is taxing on viewers, citizens.

Fortune Portrays Hillary Clinton as Corporate Sweetheart

Easton uses list of rich liberal donors to substantiate claim corporate America is betting on Clinton.

CNN Promotes Liberal Presidential Bid, 'Gay-Friendly' Cities

'In the Money' goes left so many times, it looks like a NASCAR race.
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