
Daily BiasAlerts, a product of the MRC's News Analysis Division, detail the latest instances of media bias by analyzing national media coverage of politics and policy. As of February 2015, they are no longer posted on, but can be read on the CyberAlerts page of our NewsBusters blog.

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Media Research Center

Ed Schultz Touts His Made-Up Statistic: 'Most' Doctors Don't Like Government, Vote GOP

According to Ed Schultz on Wednesday, "most" doctors hate government and vote Republican. What source did he cite for these claims? Well, none. The MSNBC anchor happily admitted he was just saying ...
Media Research Center

Andrea Mitchell: Gun Rights Supporters 'Should Talk to the Parents' of Girl Shot in Colorado School

Interviewing West Virginia Senator Joe Manchin during her 1 p.m. ET hour MSNBC show on Wednesday, host Andrea Mitchell praised his efforts to create a "bipartisan coalition for background ...
Media Research Center

MSNBC's Lawrence O'Donnell Spews Hate at James Madison, Father of the Constitution

Far-left MSNBC anchor Lawrence O'Donnell on Tuesday spewed invective at the father of the Constitution, James Madison. Angry over Judge Richard Leon's insistence that Madison would be "aghast" at ...
Media Research Center

Big Three Networks Out to Lunch on Benefits Cuts To Disabled Military Veterans

ABC, CBS, and NBC's morning and evening newscasts, which hyped the sequester's "deep, across-the-board spending cuts" earlier in 2013, have largely been silent about the reductions in the annual ...
Media Research Center

Only NBC Does Full Report on EPA Official Sentenced for Million-Dollar Fraud; CBS Completely Ignores

On Wednesday, only NBC's Today devoted a full segment to the upcoming sentencing of top Environmental Protection Agency official John Beale for "bilking the government out of nearly $1 million ...
Media Research Center

ABC's Hosts Meet Pope Francis, Gush Over His 'Person of the Year' Award from Gay Magazine

Gushing journalists Josh Elliott and Robin Roberts met Pope Francis on Wednesday and thrilled over the fact that a gay magazine has made him "person of the year." The Good Morning America anchors ...
Media Research Center

MSNBC Panel Compares Pro-Gun Sheriffs to Segregationists, Tea Party Based on Racism

On Monday's PoliticsNation on MSNBC, liberal columnist Cynthia Tucker compared sheriffs who refuse to enforce new restrictive gun laws to people in the South who opposed laws banning segregation, ...
Media Research Center

CNN Guest Says Depiction of White Jesus Has Been Used to Kill Millions; Shows 'History of White Supremacy'

Author Tim Wise said on Monday's OutFront that the historical depiction of Jesus as white has resulted in slavery and genocide and "speaks to the entire history of white supremacy." Wise ...
Media Research Center

Chris Matthews, Who Compared Conservatives to 'Nazis,' Howls Over Nazi Comparison for ObamaCare

Chris Matthews, who has repeatedly compared conservatives to Nazis, indignantly objected to a North Carolina state senator comparing ObamaCare to Nazism. Showing no self awareness, Matthews on ...
Media Research Center

NBC: 'Escalating Battle' Between White House and Press Corps Over Obama's 'Pure Propaganda'

Getting a glimpse of the kind of real reporting that can occur on NBC Nightly News when Brian Williams isn't in the anchor chair, on Sunday's edition of the program, weekend anchor Lester Holt ...
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