
Daily BiasAlerts, a product of the MRC's News Analysis Division, detail the latest instances of media bias by analyzing national media coverage of politics and policy. As of February 2015, they are no longer posted on, but can be read on the CyberAlerts page of our NewsBusters blog.

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Media Research Center

NBC's 'Nightly News' Avoids Obama in 'Serious Legal Blow' to NSA Spying

All three networks on Monday night and Tuesday morning covered the "major blow" a judge delivered by ruling that the National Security Agency's massive data collection is likely unconstitutional. ...
Media Research Center

MSNBC's Sharpton and Washington Post's Milbank Decry 'Demonizing' of Welfare Recipients

On the Friday, December 13, PoliticsNation, the Washington Post's Dana Milbank joined host Al Sharpton in complaining that conservatives "demonize" people who receive welfare benefits as the two ...
Media Research Center

NBC Decries Megyn Kelly Saying Santa is White; Ignored Bashir Wanting Palin to be Defecated On

Teasing an upcoming story on Monday's NBC Today, co-host Matt Lauer fretted over "the emotional debate ignited by a Fox News anchor over Santa's true race," referring to FNC host Megyn Kelly ...
Media Research Center

CBS Highlights '55 of the 62 Elected Sheriffs' Opposing Colorado Gun Law; ABC, NBC Ignore

CBS This Morning stood out on Monday as the only mention so far on the Big Three's morning and evening newscasts of the New York Times' Sunday item about sheriffs in Colorado who are "refusing to ...
Media Research Center

Trying to Stoke GOP Division, NBC's Gregory Falsely Claims Rubio Called Budget Deal 'Un-American'

In an attempt to stir tensions within the Republican Party over the recent budget deal, on Sunday's NBC Meet the Press, host David Gregory falsely claimed that Florida Senator Marco Rubio had ...
Media Research Center

Slobbering 'View' Crew Loves Gun-Grabbing Bloomberg: Ban Sodas and Cigarettes 'Outright'

The liberal hosts of The View on Monday took one last chance to fawn over Michael Bloomberg, touting the "bold" actions the exiting New York City Mayor made against guns, soda and cigarettes. ...
Media Research Center

'It's War': NBC Eagerly Hypes GOP Division Over Budget Deal

Leading off Thursday's NBC Nightly News, anchor Brian Williams declared: "It's war. A private battle blows wide open in public as the most powerful Republican in Washington says he's had ...
Media Research Center

CBS Berates Rubio for Opposing Budget Plan, A 'Rare Outbreak of Bipartisanship'

Norah O'Donnell and Charlie Rose predictably conducted a hostile interview of Senator Marco Rubio on Friday's CBS This Morning, badgering the Republican for his opposition to a budget proposal ...
Media Research Center

CNN Cheerleads Budget Deal; Rebukes 'Fringe' Tea Party Dissenters

CNN hosts and analysts actively cheered the House budget deal and scoffed at Tea Party conservatives who opposed it, on Wednesday and Thursday. "I think this is great, what we're hearing here. ...
Media Research Center

Jake Tapper Goes Easy on Pelosi; Gets Her to Bash 'Unruly' Tea Party Republicans

Jake Tapper's Thursday interview with House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi started off chummy and didn't really get tough until near the end.  Tapper teed her up to criticize Tea Party ...
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