
Daily BiasAlerts, a product of the MRC's News Analysis Division, detail the latest instances of media bias by analyzing national media coverage of politics and policy. As of February 2015, they are no longer posted on, but can be read on the CyberAlerts page of our NewsBusters blog.

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Media Research Center

Washington Post's Milbank Joins Sharpton in Mocking Conservatives Over War on Christmas

On Tuesday's PoliticsNation on MSNBC, as host Al Sharpton went after FNC host Bill O'Reilly for metaphorically complaining about a "war on Christmas" by liberals who have worked to water down the ...
Media Research Center

Joe Biden's Gaffes Go International, But All Three Networks Skip

Vice President Joe Biden unleashed another gaffe on Tuesday while talking to female employees at an internet company in Japan. According to the Examiner, Biden was "scheduled to address the ...
Media Research Center

Sharpton Hits RNC on Rosa Parks Tweet, Milbank: 'Racism' 'Bubbling' from Tea Party

On Monday's PoliticsNation on MSNBC, host Al Sharpton and the Washington Post's Dana Milbank mocked the Republican National Committee for the wording of a tweet that the group sent out marking the ...
Media Research Center

CBS: 'Problems', 'Trouble' Still Hamper 'Revamped' ObamaCare Website

Monday's CBS Evening News and Tuesday's CBS This Morning both underlined the continuing problems with, even after the Obama administration claimed "it met its deadline to make ...
Media Research Center

CNN's Cuomo Thinks Dems Should Focus on ObamaCare; 'On Better Ground' Than GOP

CNN's Chris Cuomo asserted on Tuesday's New Day that Democrats should focus on defending ObamaCare instead of pivoting to the debt ceiling as a distraction. "The Democrats going on a three-week ...
Media Research Center

Over 24 Hours, Bad ObamaCare News Vanishes from NBC Coverage

Leading off a report on Monday's NBC Today, White House correspondent Peter Alexander skeptically observed: "The Obama administration says it met its own goal of significantly improving the ...
Media Research Center

Chuck Todd: White House 'Private Sector Velocity' Claim 'Indictment of Government As a Solution'

On Sunday's NBC Meet the Press, chief White House correspondent Chuck Todd noted that "the most interesting thing" in an Obama administration progress report on the malfunctioning ...
Media Research Center

NBC's Idea of ObamaCare 'Reality Check': Talk to Its Biggest Supporters

In a segment on Sunday's NBC Meet the Press that host David Gregory laughably billed as an ObamaCare "reality check," he invited two of the law's biggest supporters to deliver White House ...
Media Research Center

NBC Presents All-Positive Story on 'Shared Medical Appointments'

On Saturday’s Today, chief medical editor Dr. Nancy Snyderman presented a story on a new phenomenon that has popped up in some hospitals and clinics around the country: shared medical ...
Media Research Center

MSNBC's Hayes: 'Republicans Sabotaged Healthcare.Gov'

On Wednesday's All In on MSNBC, during a discussion of how to deal with conservative relatives at Thanksgiving dinner, host Chris Hayes at one point seemed to claim that Republicans "sabotaged" ...
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