
Daily BiasAlerts, a product of the MRC's News Analysis Division, detail the latest instances of media bias by analyzing national media coverage of politics and policy. As of February 2015, they are no longer posted on, but can be read on the CyberAlerts page of our NewsBusters blog.

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Media Research Center

CNN Ignores Report Obama Admin Knew Millions Would Lose Employer Insurance Under ObamaCare

CNN has ignored a CBS report that back in 2010, the Obama administration knew ObamaCare would force an estimated 14 million workers off their employer-provided insurance. Despite not reporting ...
Media Research Center

Jan Crawford: Religious Objection to Contraception Mandate 'Could Scale Back' ObamaCare

On Wednesday's CBS This Morning, Jan Crawford zeroed in how President Obama "has got another fight on his hands" over the Supreme Court case challenging the federal government's controversial ...
Media Research Center

ABC Preaches the 'Gospel of Polyamory' and the Saving Power of Threesomes

Moving past gay marriage, ABC News on Monday pushed the "gospel" of polyamory, having multiple romantic and sexual partners in an open relationship. Co-anchor Dan Harris hyped, "More couples ...
Media Research Center

Gloating Chris Hayes Suggests 'Neocons' Wanted 'Muscular Assertion of Military Dominance' Against Iran

On Monday's All In show on MSNBC, as he celebrated the "truly historic" news of President Obama's deal with Iran, Chris Hayes mocked "neocons"  for having a "dark day" and played the part of ...
Media Research Center

Censored: After Skipping the IRS Scandal for Five Months, ABC Allows a Scant 22 Seconds

Five months after dropping coverage of the Internal Revenue Service scandal, ABC's Good Morning America on Wednesday finally found time to allow a few seconds to mention the targeting of ...
Media Research Center

MSNBC: Israeli PM 'Agitating for War,' But 'Moderate' Iranian Prez 'Not a Hardliner'

On Monday's All In show on MSNBC, Chris Hayes accused Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of making himself into a "cartoon" by "tirelessly agitating for war" and "oppos[ing] peace," as the ...
Media Research Center

CBS: Obama Admin. Knew in 2010 That Millions Would Lose Health Plans

Sharyl Attkisson uncovered another Obama administration falsehood about ObamaCare on Tuesday's CBS This Morning, spotlighting a 2010 document from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services ...
Media Research Center

Networks Hype 'Interesting' Moment With Liberal 'Heckler'; Obama Handled It 'Well'

All three networks on Tuesday hyped an "interesting" exchange between Barack Obama and a liberal heckler. ABC, CBS and ABC declined, however, to specifically note that the man's concern was that ...
Media Research Center

CBS Gives Socialist Bernie Sanders a Platform to Bash Deficit Hawk

On Sunday's 60 Minutes, CBS's Steve Kroft boosted the agenda of Senator Bernie Sanders, a self-identified socialist, by granting him 30 seconds of air time to attack billionaire Pete Peterson, who ...
Media Research Center

CNN Tees Up Comedian to Defend ObamaCare; 'Let's Give It a Chance'

On CNN Sunday evening, anchor Martin Savidge teed up comedian George Wallace to stand up for the law and plead with Americans to "give it a chance. Let's get together instead of knocking it." ...
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