Daily BiasAlerts, a product of the MRC's News Analysis Division, detail the latest instances of media bias by analyzing national media coverage of politics and policy. As of February 2015, they are no longer posted on MRC.org, but can be read on the CyberAlerts page of our NewsBusters blog.
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In an interview with former Vice President Dick Cheney on Monday's NBC Today,
co-host Savannah Guthrie proclaimed a "civil war" in the Republican
Party and persistently urged him to blame it ...
The journalists at Good Morning America on Monday woke up to the "massive technical glitches" "plaguing millions" of Americans trying to use the ObamaCare website. The morning show, which has ...
John Dickerson could not have been more blunt on Monday's CBS This Morning about the political damage HealthCare.gov's well-established technical difficulties is already causing President Obama: ...
Some more bashing of Sarah Palin on Sunday night’s episode of CBS’s The Good Wife,
but the scene also managed to deliver an illustrative dramatization of
liberals in a bubble displaying ...
Continuing to hammer home the Democratic talking point that the
Republican Party is to blame for the government shutdown, on Thursday's
NBC Nightly News, anchor Brian Williams ...
Friday's CBS This Morning zeroed in on a HealthCare.gov glitch that is jeopardizing the privacy of millions of Americans. Jan Crawford noted how the "glitches have, in fact, made the website ...
ABC on Thursday night took a victory lap in its effort to blame congressional Republicans for the government shutdown. World News reporter Jeff Zeleny and other journalists at the network phoned ...
Hours after President Obama lectured Republicans about governing, CNN
boosted his agenda by ordering conservatives and the Tea Party to
"lighten up" on Thursday's The Situation Room. "So while ...
In an interview with Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) on his Thursday night
show, CNN's Piers Morgan sounded just like a Democratic strategist. Morgan told the Democrat that "you sound eminently ...
Good Morning America's Jon Karl on Friday continued his efforts to assign blame for what he called the "Ted Cruz shutdown." This prompted the Texas senator to shoot back: "A lot of the media did" ...