
Daily BiasAlerts, a product of the MRC's News Analysis Division, detail the latest instances of media bias by analyzing national media coverage of politics and policy. As of February 2015, they are no longer posted on, but can be read on the CyberAlerts page of our NewsBusters blog.

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Media Research Center

Piers Morgan Stumbles Over Second Amendment; Hails 'Most Courageous' Bloomberg

Piers Morgan still can't get basic details about the gun rights debate right, even after his protracted involvement in the controversy, as he revealed on Tuesday's CBS This Morning. Morgan ...
Media Research Center

CBS Hypes 'Split' in House GOP Between 'Staunch' Tea Party and 'Mainstream'

Monday's CBS Evening News unsurprisingly ginned up the ideological struggle inside the Republican Party as it covered the ongoing partial government shutdown. Chip Reid spun the face-off inside ...
Media Research Center

Roger Simon Wishes Death on Ted Cruz, Accuses Him of Waging a ‘War Against Babies’

In his Monday column, Politico’s Roger Simon unleashed an anti-GOP rant where he accused the Republican Party of letting “racism out of the closet,” accused it of waging “a war against ...
Media Research Center

Andrea Mitchell Frets Over 'Angry Tea Party Protesters' Being 'Misinformed' by GOP

At the top of her 1 p.m. ET hour MSNBC show on Monday, host Andrea Mitchell wrung her hands over "angry Tea Party protesters" who gathered in Washington over the weekend to denounce the Obama ...
Media Research Center

Washington Post's Milbank: Tea Party Has Brought 'Economic Destruction'

Appearing as a guest on the Friday, October 11, PoliticsNation on MSNBC, Washington Post columnist Dana Milbank called the Tea Party Republican faction a "very small minority" and accused them of ...
Media Research Center

After Democrats Blow Up Budget Deal, NBC's Guthrie Insists GOP Get Blame for Shutdown

In an interview with Republican Senator Bob Corker on Monday's NBC Today – after Democrats sabotaged a bipartisan Senate deal to raise the nation's debt limit over the weekend – co-host Savannah ...
Media Research Center

NPR Boosts California's SEIU-Assisted ObamaCare Enrollment

Sarah Varney's report on Friday's Morning Edition is just the latest example of NPR's one-sided coverage of the health care issue in general, and ObamaCare specifically. Varney spotlighted how ...
Media Research Center

Counting Down New 'Nightline' Anchor Dan Harris's Top 5 Most Obnoxiously Biased Quotes

ABC News on Friday announced that weekend Good Morning America host Dan Harris will replace Bill Weir as  co-anchor of Nightline. Harris has a long history of offering harsh attacks on ...
Media Research Center

After Weeks Bashing Republicans, NBC Declares Shutdown 'Unmitigated Political Disaster' for GOP

After NBC spent weeks painting congressional Republicans as the villains who caused the government shutdown, on Thursday's NBC Nightly News, anchor Brian Williams opened the broadcast by smugly ...
Media Research Center

Chris Matthews Excitedly Compares Bad Shutdown Polling for GOP to 'Watergate'

According to Chris Matthews, a new NBC poll showing bad poll numbers for the Republican Party is comparable to "Watergate." Finding that Americans blame Republicans over Democrats for the shutdown ...
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