
Daily BiasAlerts, a product of the MRC's News Analysis Division, detail the latest instances of media bias by analyzing national media coverage of politics and policy. As of February 2015, they are no longer posted on, but can be read on the CyberAlerts page of our NewsBusters blog.

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Media Research Center

Dan Rather: Wendy Davis Likely to Lose, But 'Let Her Rip' at 'Hardcore Conservative' Abbott

On Friday's Rachel Maddow Show on MSNBC, Dan Rather poured cold water on Wendy Davis' chances of winning the Texas gubernatorial race, but maintained a glimmer of hope: "I'm not predicting she'll ...
Media Research Center

'View' Crew Love 9/11 Truther Jesse Ventura: Run for President!

ABC's mid-morning talk show The View has repeatedly featured anchors and guests who promote the debunked 9/11 truther movement. That tradition continued on Tuesday as conspiracy theorist Jesse ...
Media Research Center

MSNBC's Hayes: Wendy Davis for Governor 'Matter of Life or Death for Many Texans'

On Friday's All In show, as Chris Hayes celebrated Texas Democratic State Senator Wendy Davis's announcement that she will run for governor, the MSNBC host characterized her run as "literally ...
Media Research Center

MSNBC's Ed Schultz Declares John Boehner Guilty of 'Treason'

Hard-left MSNBC host Ed Schultz on Monday took his assault on the Republican Party to a new level, declaring that John Boehner is a "traitor" to America for not giving in to Barack Obama on the ...
Media Research Center

CNN Keeps Pounding GOP: 'Holding the American People Hostage,' Wanting to 'Destroy' Government

Over the weekend, CNN anchors and guests blamed Republicans for the shutdown and smacked them for "holding the American people hostage" while opposing ObamaCare. Tea Party members of Congress ...
Media Research Center

NBC Delighted By SNL Mocking GOP Over Government Shutdown

On Monday, the hosts of NBC's Today eagerly played clips of Saturday Night Live bashing Republicans over the government shutdown. In the morning show's 7 a.m. ET half hour, fill-in co-host ...
Media Research Center

Democratic Talking Points HQ: George Stephanopoulos Dumps the Shutdown Blame on Boehner

Who does George Stephanopoulos work for? ABC News or the Democratic Party? In a This Week Interview on Sunday, the former operative to Bill Clinton foisted the blame for the government shutdown on ...
Media Research Center

NBC Touts Obama 'Sticking to His Guns' on Budget While His Minions Bash 'Irresponsible' GOP

In a dramatically one-sided report on Monday's NBC Today about the government shutdown, White House correspondent Peter Alexander declared: "President Obama is sticking to his guns, demanding ...
Media Research Center

Schieffer Rues: If Only ObamaCare Had Been Enacted Before Opponents Could Attack It

From the debate over ObamaCare over the past few years, Bob Schieffer learned not of all the problems that need to be addressed or that it lacks public support, but that it should have been ...
Media Research Center

The Tea Party ‘Must Be Making Jefferson Davis Proud Today,’ Spews Washington Post’s King

The Washington Post’s Colby King took another stab Saturday at impugning and discrediting the Tea Party as a bunch of racists who are little more than an extension of the Confederacy. In a ...
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