
Daily BiasAlerts, a product of the MRC's News Analysis Division, detail the latest instances of media bias by analyzing national media coverage of politics and policy. As of February 2015, they are no longer posted on, but can be read on the CyberAlerts page of our NewsBusters blog.

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Media Research Center

CBS’s Schieffer Frets ‘Ultra-Conservatives’ Blocking Congress from ‘Addressing the Country’s Problems’

Resurrecting an ideological tag from the 1980s media era, on Monday’s CBS Evening News, the network’s chief Washington correspondent, Bob Schieffer, fretted over how “ultra-conservatives” in ...
Media Research Center

MSNBC's Hayes Compares Iran's Ahmadinejad Faction to Bush, 'Neocon Cowboy' 'Inflaming the World'

On Friday's All In show on MSNBC, as host Chris Hayes was joined by fellow MSNBC anchor Rachel Maddow to gush over President Obama being the first American president since 1979 to speak with ...
Media Research Center

CBS Lets Sebelius' Former Adviser at HHS Spin for ObamaCare

CBS This Morning did its best over two days to put the most positive spin on the rollout of the ObamaCare insurance exchanges. On Saturday, the newscast turned to Bloomberg's Peter Gosselin, who ...
Media Research Center

NBC: 'Article of Faith' (Not Fact) That GOP 'Paid at the Polls' After '95 Shutdown

On Monday's NBC Today, co-host Savannah Guthrie acknowledged the liberal spin that congressional  Republicans were punished electorally after the 1995 government shutdown was more a ...
Media Research Center

George Stephanopoulos and Old Boss Bill Clinton Avoid Benghazi, Charity's Scandal

George Stephanopoulos scored an interview on Sunday with his old boss, Bill Clinton. In return for this exclusive, the former Democratic operative turned journalist avoided any mention of a ...
Media Research Center

O'Reilly Dismisses Matt Lauer's 'Absurd' Notion That GOP 'Move On' from ObamaCare Opposition

In an interview with Fox News host Bill O'Reilly on Monday's NBC Today, co-host Matt Lauer urged Republicans to abandon their opposition to ObamaCare in order to avoid a government shutdown: ...
Media Research Center

CBS’s Bob Schieffer Falsely Claims ‘Polls Say That Most People Favor’ ObamaCare

In defiance of reality illustrated in numerous polls, on Sunday’s Face the Nation, host Bob Schieffer scolded Republican Congresswoman Marsha Blackburn when she correctly asserted “there is ...
Media Research Center

MRC's ‘DisHonors Awards’ Event Held Thursday Night

Senator Mike Lee, Steve Hayes, Monica Crowley, Jim DeMint, Cal Thomas and Charles Krauthammer highlighted the MRC’s “2013 Gala featuring the DisHonors Awards: Roasting the Most Outrageously Biased ...
Media Research Center

NBC: 'Can Anything Be Done to Save Our Government from Itself?'

At the top of Thursday's NBC Nightly News, anchor Brian Williams issued a dire warning to viewers about the possibility of a government shutdown: "Time running out until a big deadline, now ...
Media Research Center

CBS Stunned By Climate Change 'Inconvenient Truth...On the Way to the Apocalypse'

Thursday's CBS Evening News was practically shocked by a fact that threatens the agenda of radical environmentalists – global temperatures have simply not risen in 15 years. Scott Pelley trumpeted ...
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