
Daily BiasAlerts, a product of the MRC's News Analysis Division, detail the latest instances of media bias by analyzing national media coverage of politics and policy. As of February 2015, they are no longer posted on, but can be read on the CyberAlerts page of our NewsBusters blog.

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Media Research Center

Chris Matthews Sneers: 'Looney Tunes' GOPers Want to 'Kill the Recovery' While Carrying Guns

Chris Matthews on Wednesday continued his assault on conservatives who oppose the funding of ObamaCare in the coming fiscal showdown, sneering that the "looney tunes" Republicans want to "kill the ...
Media Research Center

Networks Give a Scant 65 Seconds to John McCain's 'Blistering' Russian Attack, Skimp on Quotes

The three networks on Thursday morning allowed a scant 65 seconds to Senator John McCain's "blistering" op-ed published in the communist newspaper Pravda, featuring a call for freedom and ...
Media Research Center

IRS Documents Reveal Agency Flagged Groups for 'Anti-Obama Rhetoric,' Big Three Refuse to Report

ABC, CBS and NBC have so far refused to report the latest bombshell in the IRS scandal - a newly released list from the agency that showed it flagged political groups for “anti-Obama ...
Media Research Center

MSNBC's Ed Schultz Compares Obama to George Patton, GOPers to Nazi General

Are film references a prerequisite for a 5pm ET show on MSNBC? Ed Schultz, who took over for movie-mad Chris Matthews, on Wednesday compared Barack Obama to George C. Scott's portrayal of General ...
Media Research Center

CBS Asks If Gun Industry Puts Profits Above 'Human Lives'

CBS This Morning co-host Gayle King asked former Obama chief of staff William Daley on Wednesday if the gun industry is putting profits ahead of people's lives. "They're protecting an ...
Media Research Center

PBS’s Woodruff: Is Debt Limit ‘An Appropriate Tool’ to Restrain Government Spending?

PBS anchor Judy Woodruff asked a question on Monday’s NewsHour that perfectly captured the modern liberal mentality about government spending and debt. During a taped interview with former ...
Media Research Center

CBS Hypes Lefty Feminists Denouncing Pay Gap and 'Pale Males' Who Run Media

CBS and ABC on Wednesday trotted out the same tired warning of a "pay gap" between men and women, deeming it "ridiculous" that anyone could possibly disagree with the talking points put forth by ...
Media Research Center

New Time Editor Nancy Gibbs Has Lengthy Record of Liberal Goo

Time magazine has named long-time veteran Nancy Gibbs as the new Managing Editor now that Richard Stengel has (officially) joined the Obama administration. As chronicled by the MRC, Gibbs has been ...
Media Research Center

MSNBC's Hayes Highlights Viewer's Call for Making NRA 'Illegal' and Banning Guns

Near the end of the Tuesday, September 17, All In show, MSNBC host Chris Hayes took a moment to read and display two viewer responses to his question of what they would like to see in "actual ...
Media Research Center

CNN Asks If Sequester 'Put Lives at Risk' at Navy Yard

Three times on Tuesday morning, CNN mentioned sequester cuts as a possible culprit behind the security breach at the Navy Yard that led to Monday's shooting there. A CNN headline actually read ...
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