
Daily BiasAlerts, a product of the MRC's News Analysis Division, detail the latest instances of media bias by analyzing national media coverage of politics and policy. As of February 2015, they are no longer posted on, but can be read on the CyberAlerts page of our NewsBusters blog.

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Media Research Center

CBS Plays Softball with Bill Clinton on Hillary's Future, Global Initiative Questions

Charlie Rose and Norah O'Donnell broke out the kid gloves for Bill Clinton on Tuesday's CBS This Morning. Rose and O'Donnell failed to press the Democrat on the possible conflicts of interest ...
Media Research Center

Today Show Ignores Lois Lerner's Retirement But Aired Two Segments on Obama's Smoking Comments

Tuesday's Today show didn't even mention the retirement of Lois Lerner, the IRS official at the center of the Tea Party targeting scandal, but it aired two full segments on President Obama ...
Media Research Center

NBC's Al Roker Pals Around With Biden, Jokes About Their 'Bromance'

After waiving and yelling like a groupie at President Obama and Vice President Biden back in January, Today weather anchor Al Roker palled around with Biden in a friendly interview that aired on ...
Media Research Center

CNN Anchor Says ObamaCare Defunders 'Lied,' Are 'Holding the American People Hostage'

In a long screed on the Tom Joyner Morning Show, CNN's Don Lemon accused "some Republicans" of lying and "holding the American people hostage" over ObamaCare. In focusing on Republicans, he ...
Media Research Center

Lois Lerner Retires from IRS, Big Three Networks Censor

The censorship of the IRS scandal by ABC, CBS and NBC has reached a new low. Not even the news of Lois Lerner’s retirement, the official at the center of the IRS Tea Party targeting scandal, ...
Media Research Center

New York Magazine Fawns Over the Clintons: 'Most Celebrated Political Marriage in American History'

Several media outlets have eagerly picked up the political gossip coming out of a New York magazine story on Hillary Clinton and her possible 2016 run. The article itself is a fawning profile of ...
Media Research Center

CNN Keeps Paddling Republicans Who Voted to Defund ObamaCare

On Monday morning's New Day, CNN continued whacking Republicans who voted to defund ObamaCare after comparing them to "inmates" who were "running the asylum" on Friday. CNN contributor John Avlon ...
Media Research Center

'Clinton News Network': CNN Puffs Up Hillary's 2016 Prospects

CNN's Jessica Yellin ran a complete puff piece on Hillary Clinton's 2016 prospects on Monday, quoting Democratic Clinton allies who gushed over Clinton's promise. "They readily point to the ...
Media Research Center

Chuck Todd Blames 'Political Paralysis' for Lack of Gun Control

On Monday's Today, NBC's Chuck Todd claimed that Congress could pass gun control legislation but is just too afraid to do it. Todd reported that "the reality is there's political paralysis when it ...
Media Research Center

MSNBC's Sharpton Slams 'Tea Party-Fueled Madness' Running 'This Country Into the Ground'

On Friday's PoliticsNation, MSNBC host Al Sharpton complained that the "Tea Party-fueled madness" of the GOP threatening to shut down the government would "take away health care from millions of ...
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