
Daily BiasAlerts, a product of the MRC's News Analysis Division, detail the latest instances of media bias by analyzing national media coverage of politics and policy. As of February 2015, they are no longer posted on, but can be read on the CyberAlerts page of our NewsBusters blog.

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Media Research Center

Flashback: The Worst of the Media During Weiner's First Scandal

Former Democratic Congressman Anthony Weiner, now a New York mayoral candidate, admitted Tuesday to sending out lewd photos of himself even after he resigned from Congress for doing so back in ...
Media Research Center

MSNBC's Taylor Charges 'Dangerous' Limbaugh Is 'Pimping His Audience'

Appearing on Monday's The Last Word, MSNBC contributor Goldie Taylor called Rush Limbaugh "dangerous," and accused him of "pimping his audience" in response to the conservative talk radio host's ...
Media Research Center

Groupie Andrea Mitchell Hopes Julian Castro Brings 'Democratic Revival' in Texas

In an adoring softball interview with San Antonio Mayor Julian Castro on her Monday MSNBC show, host Andrea Mitchell eagerly wondered if the Democrat was leading the way in turning the solidly ...
Media Research Center

Priorities: Networks Devote an Additional 85 Minutes to Royal Baby, Still Mum on IRS Latest

The three network morning shows on Tuesday predictably lost all perspective over the birth of the royal baby, devoting a staggering 85 minutes of coverage to Britain's new prince. Yet, ABC, NBC ...
Media Research Center

ABC, CBS Punt on Democratic Party ID of Mayor Caught in Sex Scandal

On Tuesday, neither ABC's Good Morning America nor CBS This Morning mentioned San Diego Mayor Bob Filner's Democratic affiliation, as they reported on the new sexual harassment lawsuit against the ...
Media Research Center

Chris Matthews Pollutes Royal Baby Coverage: Brits Like Us Even When We're the 'Bad Guy'

Not even the birth of the royal baby could keep Chris Matthews from making a snide liberal attack. In a closing commentary, Monday night, the Hardball anchor touted the special relationship ...
Media Research Center

NBC Reporter Uses Al Qaeda Jailbreak in Iraq to Bash U.S. Over 'Notorious' Abu Ghraib

On Tuesday's NBC Today, during a report on a attack against Iraq's Abu Ghraib prison that freed hundreds of Al Qaeda terrorists, chief foreign correspondent Richard Engel couldn't resist ...
Media Research Center

CNN Anchor Tells Guest He Has Racial Blind Spot Because of White 'Privilege'

On CNN Newsroom on July 20, anchor Don Lemon lectured conservative radio host Ben Ferguson for being quick to pan President Obama's address on race from the previous day. Lemon told Ferguson ...
Media Research Center

MSNBC's Harris-Perry Frets Obama 'Carrying the Burden of Race,' Sees Parallels with 1870s Ex-Confederates

As MSNBC's Melissa Harris-Perry made multiple appearances on Friday's MSNBC evening shows to discuss President Obama's surprise statement on the George Zimmerman acquittal, the MSNBC host declared ...
Media Research Center

NBC's Mitchell Glosses Over Anti-Israel Rant from Liberal 'Legend' Helen Thomas

While eulogizing left-wing White House correspondent Helen Thomas on Saturday's NBC Nightly News, correspondent Andrea Mitchell conveniently minimized the controversial end to Thomas's ...
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