
Daily BiasAlerts, a product of the MRC's News Analysis Division, detail the latest instances of media bias by analyzing national media coverage of politics and policy. As of February 2015, they are no longer posted on, but can be read on the CyberAlerts page of our NewsBusters blog.

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Media Research Center

The Deluge Begins: Morning Shows Devote 73 Minutes to Royal Baby; Ignore IRS

The deluge of royal baby coverage went into overdrive on Monday with all three morning shows devoting a staggering 73 minutes total to the impending birth and the child's gender. At the same time, ...
Media Research Center

CBS Fawns Over Obama's 'Quite Memorable', 'Extraordinary', 'Historic' Trayvon Speech

Douglas Brinkley predictably gushed over President Obama on Saturday's CBS This Morning, and hailed the Democrat's Friday speech on the not guilty verdict in the George Zimmerman trial: "It ...
Media Research Center

George Stephanopoulos: 'Passionate,' 'Tenacious' Helen Thomas Got a 'Bit' 'Biased'

According to George Stephanopoulos, the late Helen Thomas, who passed away on Saturday, was a "passionate," "tenacious" journalist who only got a "bit" "biased" at the end of her career. The ...
Media Research Center

MSNBC's Klein: 'Trayvon Martin Was Not the Violent One That Night'

As he guest hosted the Friday, July 19, All In show, MSNBC's Ezra Klein -- also of the Washington Post -- stuck by the liberal line that all of the blame for the Trayvon Martin shooting lies on ...
Media Research Center

NBC Cheers 'Firebrand for Science' Bill Nye Pushing Climate Change

On Monday's NBC Today, correspondent Mara Schiavocampo offered a fawning report on the 20th anniversary of the popular children's show, Bill Nye, The Science Guy, describing its host as "Part ...
Media Research Center

NBC Uses Unlabeled Ex-Obama Operative to Regurgitate Charge Tea Party Motivated by Anti-Obama Racism

Once again obscuring any line between MSNBC and NBC News, Brian Williams brought frequent MSNBC contributor Joy-Ann Reid aboard Friday’s NBC Nightly News to praise President Obama’s comments ...
Media Research Center

MSNBC's Hayes Suggests He Defended Rolling Stone Cover Because Michelle Malkin Attacked It

On Thursday's All In show, MSNBC host Chris Hayes again demonstrated just how far left his views are when he admitted that he has had difficulty understanding the widespread criticism of Rolling ...
Media Research Center

On Detroit Bankruptcy, All Three Networks Skip the Sky High Taxes, 50 Years of Democratic Control

All three networks on Thursday night and Friday morning avoided key factors in the bankruptcy of Detroit, skipping the city's astronomically high tax rate and ignoring Democratic dominance for the ...
Media Research Center

ABC, CBS and NBC to Viewers: IRS Scandal? Please, That's Old News

The Big Three (ABC, CBS, NBC ) networks have essentially censored the latest IRS scandal news. Not a single network reported on the bombshell coming out of Thursday’s congressional hearing that ...
Media Research Center

CNN Tries to Rehabilitate Scandal-Tainted Eliot Spitzer (Again)

Eliot Spitzer, the former scandal-plagued Democratic New York governor, enjoyed a nice promotion from CNN's Piers Morgan as he runs for New York City comptroller. Morgan largely avoided ...
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