
Daily BiasAlerts, a product of the MRC's News Analysis Division, detail the latest instances of media bias by analyzing national media coverage of politics and policy. As of February 2015, they are no longer posted on, but can be read on the CyberAlerts page of our NewsBusters blog.

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Media Research Center

After Terrible Storm, ABC Devotes 10 Minutes to Crime, Botox and Entertainment, Skimps on IRS

Despite the devastating tornado that struck Oklahoma on Monday, ABC's Good Morning America still found time to devote several segments to stunningly superficial topics, including getting Botox ...
Media Research Center

ABC and CBS Ignore Obama Administration Investigating FNC's James Rosen

While much of the news coverage Monday evening and Tuesday morning was dominated by coverage of the tornado that devastated Moore, Oklahoma, Tuesday's NBC Today did manage to provide two news ...
Media Research Center

On Leno: Kids Ask Obama the Darndest Questions

Ever since he announced he was stepping down as Tonight Show host Jay Leno has seemingly been harder on Barack Obama. Well on Monday's Tonight Show with Jay Leno that trend continued as Leno ...
Media Research Center

NBC's Gregory Scolds GOP for Comparing Obama to Nixon

On Sunday's NBC Meet the Press, moderator David Gregory urged Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell to condemn fellow Republicans for drawing parallels between the scandals rocking the Obama ...
Media Research Center

CBS Highlights Ex-IRS Staffer Who Declares There Were No Politics at Cincinnati Office

Monday’s CBS Evening News took one break from Oklahoma tornado coverage – to run a piece on how an IRS manager who recently retired from the Cincinnati office, where 501 (c)(4) applications ...
Media Research Center

Networks Hype Obama's 'Powerful' Commencement Speech; Set Aside Over Five Minutes of Air Time

ABC, CBS, and NBC touted President Obama's Sunday commencement address at Morehouse College in Atlanta on their Sunday evening and Monday morning newscasts, devoting a total of five minutes and 14 ...
Media Research Center

MSNBC Slams 'Scandal' of GOP Vote to Repeal ObamaCare

On Friday's PoliticsNation on MSNBC, host Al Sharpton lambasted House Republicans for repeatedly voting to repeal ObamaCare, calling it a "scandal" and an "outrage," as he seemed to cite a ...
Media Research Center

The Obama Scandal the Big Three Networks Aren't Telling You About

Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius is under fire for soliciting donations from health care companies to underwrite ObamaCare PR efforts to increase enrollment but you ...
Media Research Center

NBC Touts White House 'Aggressively Responding' to Scandals, Dismissing Criticism as 'Offensive and Absurd'

On Sunday's NBC Nightly News, White House correspondent Peter Alexander led off with Obama team spin on the scandals rocking the administration: "...the White House is aggressively responding, ...
Media Research Center

CNN's Banfield: 'Take Me Off the Ledge' and Tell Me IRS Audits Weren't Political

After Friday's IRS testimony before Congress, CNN's Ashleigh Banfield begged CNN host Candy Crowley to "take me off the ledge" and explain that the agency was simply doing its job looking for ...
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