
Daily BiasAlerts, a product of the MRC's News Analysis Division, detail the latest instances of media bias by analyzing national media coverage of politics and policy. As of February 2015, they are no longer posted on, but can be read on the CyberAlerts page of our NewsBusters blog.

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Media Research Center

Soledad O'Brien Lectures 'White People' Who Are 'Clearly Uncomfortable' With Her Documentaries on Race

Former CNN host Soledad O'Brien, appearing in a Harvard Institute of Politics video, arrogantly lectured some "white people" who were critical of her documentaries on race. Responding to "only ...
Media Research Center

Finally: 56 Days Later, ABC Ends Blackout and Covers Gosnell 'House of Horrors'

Fifty six days after the grisly trial of abortionist Kermit Gosnell began, ABC broke its self-imposed blackout, finally offering coverage. World News anchor Diane Sawyer belatedly told viewers ...
Media Research Center

MSNBC's Hayes: GOP Pursuing 'Fake' 'Witch Hunt' on Benghazi and Over 'Big, Bad, Scary' IRS Scandal

On Friday's All In show, MSNBC host Chris Hayes began by recounting the news of the "big, bad, scary" scandal of President' Obama's IRS targeting conservative groups, but also chided Republicans ...
Media Research Center

MSNBC's Sharpton Slams Benghazi Scandal As 'Cheap Stunt' and 'Phony Conspiracy Theory'

On Friday's Politics Nation on MSNBC, which was dominated by coverage of the kidnappings in Cleveland, Ohio, host Al Sharpton took a moment to note the Benghazi scandal as he accused Republicans ...
Media Research Center

Chris Matthews Frets: IRS Scandal Will Rile Conservatives Worried About Being Taken to 'Concentration Camps'

Liberal MSNBC host Chris Matthews on Monday expressed "outrage" over the growing IRS scandal involving targeted audits of conservative groups. At the same time, he fretted that such a controversy ...
Media Research Center

New York Times Breaks Gosnell Guilty Verdicts By Labeling Victims 'Fetuses' Six Times

The New York Times unsurprisingly stuck by its biased language on the abortion issue as it broke the news that a jury had found Philadelphia abortionist Dr. Kermit Gosnell guilty of three counts ...
Media Research Center

FLASHBACK: NBC’s Dr. Nancy Orders Obama’s IRS to Go After Catholic Bishops

The revelation that the IRS was being used by liberals as a political weapon against conservative groups like the Tea Party makes NBC’s Dr. Nancy Snyderman’s 2009 call on the tax agency to ...
Media Research Center

NBC's Gregory Grills Rep. Issa for 'Politically Overreaching' on Benghazi Scandal

In an interview with House Oversight Committee Chairman Darrell Issa on Sunday's Meet the Press, host David Gregory attempted to dismiss the growing Benghazi scandal for the Obama ...
Media Research Center

Amid Scandals, NBC Portrays Obama As 'Victim' of 'Second-Term Curse'

During a report on Monday's NBC Today about the Benghazi and IRS scandals wracking the Obama administration, a headline on screen wondered if they were the result of "Obama's Second Term ...
Media Research Center

Jon Karl Exposes: IRS Targeting of Conservatives Began in 2010; Not Skeptical on White House Involvement

Good Morning America's Jon Karl on Monday exposed new details about the growing scandal involving the Internal Revenue Service targeting conservatives. The correspondent revealed, "I've obtained a ...
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