
Daily BiasAlerts, a product of the MRC's News Analysis Division, detail the latest instances of media bias by analyzing national media coverage of politics and policy. As of February 2015, they are no longer posted on, but can be read on the CyberAlerts page of our NewsBusters blog.

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Media Research Center

CBS Devotes Two Straight Days of Coverage to 'Possible Cover-Up' on Benghazi; ABC, NBC Out to Lunch

CBS used its Sunday evening and Monday morning newscasts to keep the spotlight on the question of a "possible cover-up" surrounding the terrorist attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi. Jeff ...
Media Research Center

Snide ABC: NRA Takes a 'Victory Lap' and 'Uses' Boston to Fight Gun Control

ABC reporters over the weekend huffed that the National Rifle Association took a "victory lap" and sneered that the gun group was "using" the Boston bombing at their recent convention. Reporter ...
Media Research Center

MSNBC's Hayes: 'Far-Right Fringe' NRA 'Might Be Spelling Their Own Demise'

On Friday's All In show, with words "The Sickness" displayed on screen behind him, MSNBC host Chris Hayes began the show with a commentary in which he tagged the NRA as a "far-right fringe ...
Media Research Center

After Dismissing Benghazi as 'Fox News's Super-Story,' Wash Post's Ignatius Begrudgingly Admits It's a 'Serious Story'

Appearing on NBC's Chris Matthews Show on Sunday, Washington Post columnist David Ignatius initially dismissed the Benghazi terrorist attack as being "Fox News's super-story," with left-wing ...
Media Research Center

NBC’s Joy-Ann Reid: Only ‘Sane’ Way to Boost Economy is More Spending and Higher Taxes

NBC’s Meet the Press on Sunday brought aboard another lefty whose far-left views are usually only heard on MSNBC, but Joy-Ann Reid, Managing Editor of, the NBC News site aimed at ...
Media Research Center

Sunday Morning Miracle: CBS’s Face the Nation Leads with Benghazi ‘Cover-Up’

Proof Sunday morning that Republicans can use their power to hold House hearings to force media coverage of topics journalists have shown little interest in probing. CBS's Face the Nation led ...
Media Research Center

Chris Matthews Shrieks: NRA Is Doing a 'Dance of Death' Over Obama

The staunchly pro-gun control Chris Matthews on Friday sneered that the National Rifle Association is doing a "dance of death" in celebration of their victory over Barack Obama. Regarding senators ...
Media Research Center

Piers Morgan Admits He Wants UK-Style Gun Ban in the States

Breitbart's Ben Shapiro goaded CNN's Piers Morgan into calling for a British-style handgun ban in the U.S., on Thursday's Piers Morgan Live. "You're from the UK, why don't we go with a full ...
Media Research Center

MSNBC's O'Donnell Slams 'Merchants of Death' Gun Makers After Child Death

On Thursday's The Last Word, MSNBC host Lawrence O'Donnell attacked the owners of the gun maker Crickett as "merchants of death" after a five-year-old boy in Kentucky, without adult supervision, ...
Media Research Center

CBS Notices Senator Baucus' 'Train Wreck' Label of ObamaCare; ABC, NBC Punt

Jan Crawford touted how ObamaCare going into full effect in early 2014 is "causing all kinds of concern and anxiety, especially with...small business owners" on Friday's CBS This Morning. Crawford ...
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