
Daily BiasAlerts, a product of the MRC's News Analysis Division, detail the latest instances of media bias by analyzing national media coverage of politics and policy. As of February 2015, they are no longer posted on, but can be read on the CyberAlerts page of our NewsBusters blog.

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Media Research Center

NBC Cheers Gun Control Advocates 'Pushing Back' at Town Halls, But Dismissed Tea Party Pressure as Manufactured

Leading off Wednesday's NBC Nightly News, anchor Brian Williams eagerly touted gun control supporters going after Republican New Hampshire Senator Kelly Ayotte at a recent town hall meeting: ...
Media Research Center

NBC's Chief Medical Editor Endorses Morning-After Pill for Teen Girls to 'Prevent Abortion'

After reporting on the FDA allowing girls as young as 15-years-old to receive the morning-after pill without a prescription or parental consent, NBC's chief medical editor Nancy Snyderman ...
Media Research Center

Anderson Cooper on Gay NBA Player: 'The Tide of History Is Moving Forward'

Discussing NBA player Jason Collins coming out as gay, CNN's Anderson Cooper supported the notion that more professional athletes may come out. "The tide of history is moving forward," the ...
Media Research Center

MSNBC's Hayes Sees 'Insane Right-Wing Dystopia' and 'Voter Suppression' in NC

On Tuesday's All In show, MSNBC host Chris Hayes asserted that, since Republicans have taken control of the North Carolina state government, the state is moving toward becoming an "insane ...
Media Research Center

Networks Ignore Libya Whistleblower Who Asserts: We Know Who Perpetrated Benghazi

All three network newscasts on Monday and Tuesday ignored the shocking assertions made by a whistleblower who told Fox News that special forces could have responded to the 2012 terrorist attack on ...
Media Research Center

NBC Ignores Todd Grilling President Over ObamaCare 'Train Wreck' to Hit from the Left on Gitmo

While NBC's chief White House correspondent and political director Chuck Todd pressed President Obama during a Tuesday news conference on the possibility of ObamaCare being a "train wreck," ...
Media Research Center

MSNBC's Hayes Marks 'Real Milestone' of Jason Collins Coming Out

On Monday's All In show, MSNBC host Chris Hayes celebrated the coming out of gay NBA player Jason Collins as he tagged the development as a "real milestone," a "watershed moment," "something ...
Media Research Center

CNN Covers Gay NBA Player Nine Times More In a Day Than It Did Gosnell In One Week

In just 24 hours, CNN spent over 76 minutes of air time on NBA player Jason Collins's announcement that he was gay, hyping the news as "historic" and a "big moment for the country." However, ...
Media Research Center

Nets Take 300 Hours to Notice Democrat's Prediction: ObamaCare Will Be a 'Train Wreck'

During live coverage of Barack Obama's Tuesday press conference Chuck Todd surprisingly pressed the President about Democratic Senator Max Baucus calling ObamaCare a "train wreck." It was ...
Media Research Center

After Praising Gay NBA Player as 'Towering Figure,' NBC Dismisses Tebow as 'Spoof-Worthy' And 'Lackluster'

While Tuesday's NBC Today began by heralding gay NBA player Jason Collins as "a towering figure on the court" and in "sports history," later in the 7 a.m. ET hour, correspondent Craig Melvin ...
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