
Daily BiasAlerts, a product of the MRC's News Analysis Division, detail the latest instances of media bias by analyzing national media coverage of politics and policy. As of February 2015, they are no longer posted on, but can be read on the CyberAlerts page of our NewsBusters blog.

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Media Research Center

Bill Press Threatens: I Want 'Unfreaking-bearable' Flight Delays, Americans 'On Their Knees'

Add liberal host Bill Press to the list of liberals who want the sequester to hurt Americans in order to prove a political point. On Tuesday morning’s Full Court Press, his radio talk show ...
Media Research Center

NBC Host Recalls Pilot Urging Passengers to Sign Petition Against FAA Furloughs

On Wednesday's NBC Today, news anchor Natalie Morales complained about having a flight delayed due to the FAA furloughing air traffic controllers in the wake of the sequester: "I was traveling ...
Media Research Center

ABC Celebrates Earth Day By Pushing Carbon Taxes, Touting Anti-Keystone 'Agitator'

Nightline co-anchor Bill Weir on Tuesday belatedly celebrated Earth Day by touting a left-wing environmentalist who is pushing for new carbon taxes and opposing the construction of the Keystone ...
Media Research Center

CNN Finds Time for Airport Delays and Mark Sanford's 'Soap Opera,' But Not Gosnell Trial

CNN's blackout on the trial of abortionist Kermit Gosnell resumed after three reports on April 12 broke a three-week silence on the story. Aside from a brief 90-second mention on April 14, the ...
Media Research Center

CBS Devotes 13 Seconds to Gosnell Trial Development; ABC, NBC Punt

For the first time in over a week, CBS covered the murder trial of abortionist Dr. Kermit Gosnell on Wednesday's CBS This Morning. But instead of a full report, as on April 15, Norah O'Donnell ...
Media Research Center

In Friendly 'Chat' With Obama, NBC's Guthrie Asks About His Dance Skills and Viral Videos

After initially airing more substantive portions of her April 15 interview with President Obama, on Wednesday, NBC Today co-host Savannah Guthrie made time to show a third part of the ...
Media Research Center

NBC, ABC Ignore a Blistering House Report Placing Blame for Benghazi on Obama, Clinton

NBC and ABC completely skipped a scathing new report that singles out Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton for blame after the September 11 terrorist attack in Benghazi, Libya. CBS, in contrast, ...
Media Research Center

NBC's Williams: 'Newtown Families Went Home Still Grieving' After Gun Control Defeat

On Monday's NBC Nightly News, during a round-up of news stories that were eclipsed by coverage of the Boston bombing, anchor Brian Williams highlighted the failure of gun control legislation, ...
Media Research Center

CBS Trumpets 'Out of Touch' Mark Sanford's 'Rough Week'; Touted 'Real Possibility' of Anthony Weiner's Mayoral Run

Norah O'Donnell spotlighted former South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford's "troubles with his ex-wife" on Tuesday's CBS This Morning, and asserted that the disgraced Republican "seemed a little bit ...
Media Research Center

NBC's Williams Hypes Airport 'Traffic Jams,' Hopes Americans 'Take Further Notice' of Sequester

At the top of Monday's NBC Nightly News, anchor Brian Williams eagerly parroted Obama administration talking points when it came to blaming the sequester for sporadic flight delays: "The ...
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