Daily BiasAlerts, a product of the MRC's News Analysis Division, detail the latest instances of media bias by analyzing national media coverage of politics and policy. As of February 2015, they are no longer posted on MRC.org, but can be read on the CyberAlerts page of our NewsBusters blog.
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Asked on Sunday’s Reliable Sources if the wider media dismissed the Weekly Standard
story, by Stephen Hayes about the Benghazi talking points getting
altered to take out any references to ...
My alternate headline for this item: “NBC’s Today Show on
Benghazi: ‘There Are So Many Issues the Country Faces. This Is One of
Them.’” That dismissive attitude came from ABC News veteran Mark ...
Friday's CBS This Morning played up the "vocal opposition" of liberal activist groups who are railing against the possible sale of several newspapers, including the Chicago Tribune and the Los ...
Britain's Prince Harry arrived in Washington on Thursday, but ABC declared the Obamas to be "Washington's royalty." On Friday's Good Morning America, reporter Lama Hasan recounted the prince's ...
Teasing an upcoming story on Thursday's NBC Nightly News,
anchor Brian Williams fretted over "The dramatic changes we've watched
happen to our planet" as shown in "jaw-dropping images from ...
ABC journalist Jon Karl actually followed up on Wednesday's Benghazi hearings, exposing that CIA talking points on the September 11, 2012 terrorist attack were "dramatically edited" a total of 12 ...
On Wednesday evening, CNN barely covered the congressional hearing on
the Benghazi attack from earlier that afternoon. Instead, the network
provided wall-to-wall coverage of the Jodi Arias ...
Wrapping up a fawning interview with Massachusetts Democratic Senator Elizabeth on MSNBC's The Last Word
Wednesday night, left-wing host Lawrence O'Donnell couldn't hold back
his glee at ...
The evening news broadcasts on NBC, ABC, and CBS on Wednesday all
offered full reports on the compelling congressional testimony regarding
the Benghazi terrorist attack, but only after all ...
On Wednesday's All In show, MSNBC host Chris Hayes was gleeful over media coverage of the Benghazi hearings being preempted by both the story of three girls kidnapped and held prisioner for a ...