
Daily BiasAlerts, a product of the MRC's News Analysis Division, detail the latest instances of media bias by analyzing national media coverage of politics and policy. As of February 2015, they are no longer posted on, but can be read on the CyberAlerts page of our NewsBusters blog.

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Media Research Center

ABC Hypes 'Electrifying' 'Fighter' Who Is Taking a 'Stand for Marriage Equality'

On Wednesday and Thursday, the journalists at ABC continued to treat the gay marriage issue as though there was only one acceptable side. Diane Sawyer and Terry Moran framed the case before the ...
Media Research Center

Chris Matthews Compares Bush's 'Aggressive' Iraq War to Nazis on Trial at Nuremberg

Nazis are fast becoming the favorite slur of the hosts on MSNBC. Chris Matthews last Friday compared the "aggressive" push for war in Iraq to what lead to the prosecution of war criminals at the ...
Media Research Center

CBS Boosts Anti-Prop 8 Attorney; No Air Time for Supporters

Wednesday's CBS This Morning turned exclusively to David Boies, one of the main attorneys who argued against California's Proposition 8 at the Supreme Court on Tuesday. The morning newscast failed ...
Media Research Center

ABC on Gay Marriage: '21st Century Social Movement' Vs. Old, 'Downright Perplexed' Justices

ABC's Good Morning America on Wednesday again offered the most biased coverage on the gay marriage case before the Supreme Court. All three network morning shows skipped specific mention of the ...
Media Research Center

NPR Touts Tax Savings for Same-Sex Couples If DOMA is Struck Down

On Tuesday's Morning Edition, NPR's Carrie Johnson played up the positive financial impact for same-sex couples if the Supreme Court strikes down the Defense of Marriage Act. All of Johnson's ...
Media Research Center

NBC Panel: 'Conservative' Ruling on Gay Marriage Will Cause 'Backlash'; Traditional Marriage 'Archaic'

During a panel discussion on Tuesday's NBC Today, guest panelist Carson Daly, host of The Voice, ranted over the Supreme Court's upcoming ruling on gay marriage: "The more conservative the Court ...
Media Research Center

Billionaire Tries to Buy Legislation, and the New York Times Loves It

Turnabout: New York Times reporter Michael Barbaro praises a billionaire for influencing legislation -- liberal legislation, anyway: "In a telling sign of how much the white-hot demands for ...
Media Research Center

Amid Slanted Gay Marriage Coverage, NBC Wonders: 'Will the Justices Make it Legal in Every State?'

At the top of Tuesday's NBC Today, co-host Savannah Guthrie seemed to get swept up in the network's own one-sided reporting on the gay marriage cases before the Supreme Court, proclaiming: ...
Media Research Center

ABC's Kennedy Love Continues: Network Fawns Over Family Poetry

Good Morning America's historical coverage is mostly non-existent. Yet, there's one thing the ABC program finds time for every year: Kennedy worship. On Tuesday's GMA, the same program that ...
Media Research Center

Picking Sides: ABC Offers a Slanted Take on 'Historic Hearing on Marriage Equality'

The reporters of ABC's Good Morning America on Tuesday offered a one-sided take on the Supreme Court's "historic hearing on marriage equality." The morning show featured four voices in support of ...
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