
Daily BiasAlerts, a product of the MRC's News Analysis Division, detail the latest instances of media bias by analyzing national media coverage of politics and policy. As of February 2015, they are no longer posted on, but can be read on the CyberAlerts page of our NewsBusters blog.

The CyberAlert e-mail, with more than 175,000 subscribers, delivers a compilation each weekday of the newest posts. Sign up here.

Media Research Center

NBC's Williams Fawns: Emanuel Brothers 'May Be America's Jewish Kennedys'

In an interview with Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel and his two brothers, Hollywood agent Ari and bioethicist Zeke, on Friday's NBC Rock Center, anchor Brian Williams sounded like an adoring fan ...
Media Research Center

CNN Asks If Traditional Marriage Defenders Are 'On the Wrong Side of History'

Hyping "growing support" for same-sex marriage, CNN's Carol Costello asked a supporter of California's Proposition 8 on Monday if he was "on the wrong side of history" for legally defining ...
Media Research Center

CNN's Lemon Harasses Conservative Guest; 'I Can Interrupt as Much as I Want'

CNN's Don Lemon belittled and smeared the Heritage Foundation's Ryan Anderson on Sunday. Anderson had claimed that same-sex marriage is not illegal, just not recognized as "marriage" by many ...
Media Research Center

Former WH Reporter for NY Times Calls CPAC "Aviary for Far-Right 'Wacko Birds'"

New York Times columnist Frank Bruni, a former White House reporter for the Times, followed Sen. John McCain in mocking attendees of the latest Conservative Political Action Conference (aka ...
Media Research Center

NBC's Gregory to Bloomberg: Will You 'Target' Gun Rights Supporters With 'Lots of Money'?

In an interview with New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg on Sunday's NBC Meet the Press, moderator David Gregory invited the anti-gun advocate to issue a political threat to gun rights ...
Media Research Center

ABC Touts Bloomberg's 'Personal Fortune' Funding Gun Control Ads, But Warned of 'Billionaire' Conservatives

Good Morning America on Monday hyped Michael Bloomberg using his "personal fortune" to promote gun control with new ads. Reporter Jim Avila used three clips of either Bloomberg or the commercials ...
Media Research Center

NBC Reporter Parrots Concerns Obama 'Went Too Far to Embrace Zionism' During Mideast Trip

At the top of Sunday's NBC Meet the Press, chief foreign correspondent Richard Engel forwarded anti-Israel sentiment during a segment about President Obama's trip to the Middle East: "I ...
Media Research Center

'American Success Story Times Three': NBC Gushes Over Rahm Emanuel and Brothers

Previewing a fawning Brian Williams interview with Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel and his brothers, Ari and Zeke, set to air on Friday's NBC Rock Center, Today co-host Savannah Guthrie proclaimed ...
Media Research Center

NBC: 'Hopes' of Gitmo Terror Detainees Were 'Crushed' By Obama's Failure to Close Prison

In a report for Thursday's NBC Today, investigative correspondent Michael Isikoff reported on plans for a $150 million renovation of the Guantanamo Bay prison still housing 166 terror ...
Media Research Center

Cable ‘News’ Network: CNN Devotes Multiple Segments to Mockery, Criticism of Conservatives

Instead of reporting hard-hitting news, Thursday's 9 a.m. ET hour of Newsroom featured conservatives getting whacked by a gauntlet of talking heads, celebrities, and centrist and liberal ...
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