
Daily BiasAlerts, a product of the MRC's News Analysis Division, detail the latest instances of media bias by analyzing national media coverage of politics and policy. As of February 2015, they are no longer posted on, but can be read on the CyberAlerts page of our NewsBusters blog.

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Media Research Center

ABC Lauds Obama for Highlighting 'Modern American Families'; He's a 'Democratic Reagan'

Barack Obama's second inaugural met with much praise from the journalists at ABC. World News anchor Diane Sawyer hyped the President's mentions of gays as a recognition of the "modern American ...
Media Research Center

NBC Hypes Republican 'Disarray' as 'Bloodier-Minded' Obama Focuses on Beating GOP in 2nd Term

A panel discussion on Monday's NBC Today on President Obama's second term quickly devolved into anti-Republican ranting, with correspondent Andrea Mitchell proclaiming: "It's been so toxic ...
Media Research Center

Bill Weir, Who Swooned That 'Seagulls' Were Awed By Obama, Now Sees 'History Keeping You Warm'

Four years ago, ABC journalist Bill Weir swooned that "national pride" made the cold of Inauguration Day seem warmer and that even the seagulls were "awed." On Monday, the reporter was at it ...
Media Research Center

On Morning Joe: Why Can't Obama Use His 'Super-Brain' to Make Washington Work?

New York Times columnist Maureen Dowd spoke in such illustrious language about the "brilliant" president and his "super-brain" that she even bowled over Obama fan Mika Brzezinski who exclaimed: ...
Media Research Center

Newsweek Makes It Official: Obama’s Inauguration Is ‘The Second Coming’

Conservatives have long joked that the national press corps see Barack Obama as the second coming of Jesus Christ. Today, Newsweek – at least what’s left of it, an online product for tablets and ...
Media Research Center

ABC, CBS and NBC All Refuse to Identify Indicted Nagin as Democrat

All three broadcast network evening newscasts on Friday night ran short items on the federal corruption indictments against the bumbling former Mayor of New Orleans, Ray Nagin, but skipped his ...
Media Research Center

Pants on Fire? Despite Media Outcry, Romney's 'Lie of the Year' Was True

Even though the Romney campaign correctly said that Obama sold Chrysler to Fiat which would be making Jeeps in China instead of America, the media disparaged that case with PolitiFact going so ...
Media Research Center

Anderson Cooper's Only Guest on Gun Issue Is Gun Control Advocate Mayor Bloomberg

Anderson Cooper's lone guest to talk guns on Thursday night was the anti-gun New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg (I), echoing CNN's ridiculous disparity of pro-gun control guests and gun rights ...
Media Research Center

CNN Paddles Whole Foods CEO for Calling ObamaCare 'Fascism'

CNN's Carol Costello on Friday morning scolded Whole Foods CEO John Mackey for calling ObamaCare "fascism." She also questioned why he was entering the ObamaCare debate at all and lectured him ...
Media Research Center

NBC Gushes Over First Lady's Hairdo and President's Playlist

On Thursday, NBC Nightly News anchor Brian Williams took time out of the broadcast to provide this supposed "news" update: "First Lady Michelle Obama turned 49 today. But the big news came as ...
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