Daily BiasAlerts, a product of the MRC's News Analysis Division, detail the latest instances of media bias by analyzing national media coverage of politics and policy. As of February 2015, they are no longer posted on MRC.org, but can be read on the CyberAlerts page of our NewsBusters blog.
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Interviewing Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor about her new memoir on Monday's NBC Today, co-host Savannah Guthrie worried that political division was undermining the high court: "Do
you ...
Reflecting the typical Washington definition of a budget “cut” – in
which a slight reduction in a projected increase is a “cut” and a
measurable decrease in the rate of growth is a “draconian” ...
For three consecutive nights on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, NBC Nightly News anchor Brian
Williams proclaimed the country to now be in the "post-Newtown era," as
he and reporters ...
New York Times columnist Paul Krugman, keeping things civil: "Republicans go wild at this
analogy, but it’s unavoidable. This is exactly like someone walking into
a crowded room, announcing ...
On Friday's CBS This Morning, Bill Plante refreshingly spotlighted how firearms are used to protect the lives of ordinary Americans. Plante noted how the National Rifle Association "Tweeted a ...
When Breitbart.com's Ben Shapiro used his pocket-sized copy of the U.S.
Constitution on the set of Piers Morgan Tonight, CNN's Piers Morgan
asserted that he, like the NRA, was deviously trying ...
CNN correspondent
Jason Carroll touted the push by New York City and Philadelphia for
stricter gun laws and loaded his report with pro-gun control statements
on Friday. Carroll quoted ...
Former Democratic Governor Ed Rendell channeled Piers Morgan on Friday's Now with Alex Wagner program on MSNBC. Rendell even upped the ante, claiming that there was a positive side to the Newtown, ...
Chris Matthews on Thursday smeared Congressman Steve King as a racist, declaring that the Republican representative is "prejudiced against Latinos." The liberal cable anchor came to the conclusion ...
In an interview with National Rifle Association president David Keene on Friday's NBC Today,
co-host Matt Lauer wondered: "Do you have the support in Congress to
block any federal ban on ...