
Daily BiasAlerts, a product of the MRC's News Analysis Division, detail the latest instances of media bias by analyzing national media coverage of politics and policy. As of February 2015, they are no longer posted on, but can be read on the CyberAlerts page of our NewsBusters blog.

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Media Research Center

According to NBC, Awkward Biden Photo-Ops = 'Charm Being Poured On'

At the top of Friday's NBC Today, co-host Matt Lauer gushed over Vice President Biden doing a series of photo-ops while swearing in newly elected senators on Thursday: "Joe Biden welcomes ...
Media Research Center

Jim Lehrer Knocks Candy Crowley for Her Hectoring, False Defense of Obama During Debate

PBS journalist Jim Lehrer chastised CNN's Candy Crowley for the assistance she provided Barack Obama during his presidential debate with Mitt Romney. Lehrer appeared at the Clinton School of ...
Media Research Center

NBC: 'Rebellious Conservatives' Turned Against Boehner in 'Rocky' Reelection as Speaker

Despite John Boehner receiving overwhelming support from the Republican caucus to be reelected as Speaker of the House, NBC Capitol Hill correspondent Kelly O'Donnell hyped dissension in the ...
Media Research Center

Diane Sawyer Touts Female, Liberal Senators, Highlights Nasty Men Opposing Abortion

World News anchor Diane Sawyer on Thursday highlighted the 20 newly sworn-in women in the U.S. Senate as a way to push a liberal, pro-abortion agenda. Mostly ignoring conservative females, Sawyer ...
Media Research Center

NBC: House GOP 'Ignored' Sandy Suffering; 'Another Body Blow' to Storm Victims

In a pair of back-to-back stories leading off Wednesday's NBC Nightly News, House Republicans were painted as villains for briefly delaying a vote on Hurricane Sandy relief. First, Capitol ...
Media Research Center

Networks Trumpeted Obama's Pledge to Veto Backtracking on Spending Cuts, Now Ignore President's Flip-Flop

Over 13 months ago, the NBC, CBS and ABC newscasts touted Barack Obama as a tough talker who wouldn't back down on threatened spending cuts. Now, that he's backed down, the same networks have ...
Media Research Center

NBC's Andrea Mitchell Implores Chuck Schumer: 'Is Something Meaningful Going to Happen on Guns?'

NBC’s Andrea Mitchell, on Thursday’s edition of MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell Reports, implored liberal New York Democratic Senator Chuck Schumer to push for more gun control. After noting that ...
Media Research Center

Matthews Sneers: Fiscal Conservatism Is Like Being 'the Most Segregationist Guy in the South'

On New Year's Eve, Chris Matthews got off one last sneering shot against conservatives. In a special pre-recorded 2012 retrospective, the Hardball anchor connected fiscal conservatism to ...
Media Research Center

NBC's Lauer Hypes: GOP 'In Throes of a Civil War' Over Sandy Relief Bill

At the top of Thursday's NBC Today, co-host Matt Lauer teased an upcoming interview with New York Congressman Peter King by seizing on House GOP disagreement over when to schedule a vote on a ...
Media Research Center

NBC's Relieved Chuck Todd Proclaims: 112th Congress 'Finally Leaves Us Today'

After worrying on Tuesday's NBC Nightly News about possible House GOP "shenanigans" preventing a fiscal cliff deal, on Monday's Today, chief White House correspondent Chuck Todd breathed a ...
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