
Daily BiasAlerts, a product of the MRC's News Analysis Division, detail the latest instances of media bias by analyzing national media coverage of politics and policy. As of February 2015, they are no longer posted on, but can be read on the CyberAlerts page of our NewsBusters blog.

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Media Research Center

Soledad O'Brien Bullies Gun Rights Activist; 'Your Position Completely Boggles Me'

CNN's Soledad O'Brien interrupted, bullied, and dismissed guest John Lott on Monday's Starting Point when Lott argued in favor of fewer gun laws. "[Y]our position completely boggles me, honestly. ...
Media Research Center

CBS Lines Up Pro-Gun Control Liberals; Lets Only One Gun Rights Advocate Speak

Bill Plante slanted four-to-one in favor of gun control on Monday's CBS This Morning as he reported on congressional Democrats' efforts to introduce new firearms regulations. Plante played  ...
Media Research Center

Networks Herald Obama Throwing Down 'Political Gauntlet' on Gun Control

The NBC, ABC, and CBS morning shows on Monday all touted President Obama seemingly calling for more gun control during a Sunday night vigil for the victims of the Sandy Hook school shooting. ...
Media Research Center

NBC's Williams to Rice: 'Were You Set Up? Were You a Victim of Circumstance?'

In an exclusive interview on Thursday's NBC Rock Center with U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice following her withdrawal of her name to be secretary of state, host Brian Williams worked to portray her ...
Media Research Center

Barbara Walters Tosses Softballs to 'Charming' Obama: 'What's Your Favorite App?'

Good Morning America on Friday offered a fawning preview of Barbara Walters' exclusive interview with Barack and Michelle Obama. Walters gushed over the "touching," "charming" couple and asked the ...
Media Research Center

James Hoffa Threatened 'Civil War' on CNN, Yet Fox News Covered It More Than CNN Did

Teamsters Union president James Hoffa warned on CNN Tuesday that there would be "civil war" in Michigan over thepassage of right-to-work legislation, but after anchor Brooke Baldwin made two ...
Media Research Center

Ted Turner, Prodded by CNN, Calls for Nuclear Disarmament, Says 'War Is Just About Over With'

CNN founder Ted Turner is well-known for his outlandish liberal views, and CNN's Suzanne Malveaux teed him up on Thursday to rant against nuclear weapons, call for higher taxes on the wealthy, ...
Media Research Center

NBC's Todd Labels Susan Rice 'Victim' of 'Conservative Media' Attacks

Moments after news broke of U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice withdrawing her name from consideration to be secretary of state, NBC chief White House correspondent Chuck Todd appeared on MSNBC's ...
Media Research Center

CBS to DeMint: Why Can't the GOP Just Cave to Obama's Tax Hike Demand?

Charlie Rose and Gayle King pressed outgoing Senator Jim DeMint on Thursday's CBS This Morning over congressional Republicans resistance to tax hikes. When DeMint stated that President Obama will ...
Media Research Center

NBC Poll Shows Pessimism About Obama 2nd Term, Lauer Spins it as Pessimism About 'Washington in General'

Following a report on Thursday's NBC Today in which political director Chuck Todd touted a new NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll, co-host Matt Lauer tried to spin one finding: "...only 53% say ...
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