
Daily BiasAlerts, a product of the MRC's News Analysis Division, detail the latest instances of media bias by analyzing national media coverage of politics and policy. As of February 2015, they are no longer posted on, but can be read on the CyberAlerts page of our NewsBusters blog.

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Media Research Center

Chris Matthews Absurdly Claims: Unbiased Media Was Too 'Even-Handed' With GOP

Chris Matthews has found the problem with how the media covered the 2012 election: Unbiased journalists were simply too focused on being "even-handed" and treating Republicans fairly. The Hardball ...
Media Research Center

Balance: Barbara Walters Chats With Hillary Clinton About Hair, Grills 'Overweight' Christie

Apparently, Barbara Walters's idea of balance is grilling Chris Christie about being too fat and unhealthy to be president. Yet, during the same 10 Most Fascinating People of 2012 program, she ...
Media Research Center

NBC Medical Editor Denounces 'Religion Part' of Christmas That 'Mucks the Whole Thing Up'

During a panel discussion on Tuesday's NBC Today about hiring people to do Christmas chores like decorating the tree or buying gifts, the network's chief medical editor Nancy Snyderman ...
Media Research Center

Networks Skip Union Violence in Michigan, Insist Protesters Are Simply 'Voicing Their Anger'

All three networks on Tuesday night and Wednesday morning ignored the violent assaults by union protesters in Michigan, instead vaguely insisting that activists were simply "voicing their anger" ...
Media Research Center

Only CBS AM Coverage of Michigan Is Stewart Mocking Term 'Right to Work'

On Wednesday, CBS This Morning shipwrecked its aim to be the hard news alternative to ABC's Good Morning American and NBC's Today. Its only coverage of the passage of the right-to-work law in ...
Media Research Center

MSNBC 'Journalists' Laugh and Sigh During Derisive Interview With Michigan Governor

Appearing on Wednesday's MSNBC Morning Joe, Michigan Governor Rick Snyder was greeted with childish behavior by the show's panel of left-wing pundits, who were unable to conceal their disgust ...
Media Research Center

Washington Post's Marcus: 'Unions Aren't Going to Survive When People Have a Choice'

Appearing on MSNBC's Andrea Mitchell Reports on Tuesday, liberal Washington Post columnist Ruth Marcus lashed out against passage of Michigan's right-to-work law: "Unions are reeling, and the ...
Media Research Center

Unhinged Chris Matthews Berates Conservative Guest 13 Times: 'Who's Paying Your Salary?'

An unhinged Chris Matthews on Tuesday berated a representative of Americans for Prosperity with the same question 13 times. Talking to Scott Hagerstrom, the Hardball anchor didn't seem to hear the ...
Media Research Center

Martin Bashir Ignores Violence By Union Protesters, Assails MI Governor's 'Crap Burger'

On a day when violent union protesters in Mighigan attacked those who would dare disagree with them, MSNBC stuck to liberal talking points. Anchor Martin Bashir on Tuesday ignored the assaults and ...
Media Research Center

NBC Rushes to Obama's Defense: President 'Had No Say Over' Psy Performing at Christmas Concert

Eager to insulate President Obama from controversy surrounding past anti-American comments by Korean pop star Psy, who performed at the annual Christmas in Washington charity concert attended ...
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