
Daily BiasAlerts, a product of the MRC's News Analysis Division, detail the latest instances of media bias by analyzing national media coverage of politics and policy. As of February 2015, they are no longer posted on, but can be read on the CyberAlerts page of our NewsBusters blog.

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Media Research Center

On CBS, Cheesecake Factory CEO Warns ObamaCare Will Be 'Very Costly'

On Monday's CBS This Morning, Cheesecake Factory CEO David Overton spotlighted the looming economic impact of Obamacare's implementation, especially on small enterprises: "For those businesses ...
Media Research Center

ABC Hypes 'Upper Hand' Dems Have on Fiscal Cliff, Risk of Recession

ABC News continued to hype the Democratic position on the fiscal cliff, Sunday. World News Reporter David Kerley touted the White House as "confident with the stronger hand in talks with House ...
Media Research Center

NBC's Todd Cites 'Very Smart' WH Aide Claiming With Today's GOP 'There'd Still Be Slavery'

Appearing on Monday's MSNBC Morning Joe, NBC chief White House correspondent Chuck Todd shared some inside information: "So I threw the Lincoln analogy at a close aide to the President last ...
Media Research Center

ABC’s Cokie Roberts Urges ‘Cut the Knees Out from Under’ Norquist: ‘Emperor Has No Clothes’

In a colorful demonstration of the Washington press corps’ disdain for Grover Norquist and his anti-tax pledge, on Sunday’s This Week, a flustered ABC News/NPR veteran Cokie Roberts blurted out: ...
Media Research Center

Liberal Colbert Rips Proposed Colorado Gun Dorm; CBS Laps It Up

Stephen Colbert channeled the mother and teacher from the classic "A Christmas Story" on Thursday's Colbert Report as he made fun of a proposed dormitory for undergraduates with gun permits at the ...
Media Research Center

CNN's Velshi Calls Grover Norquist a 'Dangerous Man'

CNN's Ali Velshi on Friday afternoon labeled anti-tax advocate Grover Norquist a "dangerous man" for blocking a fiscal cliff compromise between Democrats and Republicans. "Hey, speaking of the ...
Media Research Center

Washington Post's Marcus Claims Rice's False Benghazi Comments Were 'Basically Right'

In an attempt to dismiss Republican criticism of U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice's misleading September 14 Sunday show statements about Benghazi, on Thursday's MSNBC Andrea Mitchell Reports, ...
Media Research Center

NBC Frets ‘Awkward Backdrop’ and ‘Cloud’ Over Romney-Obama Lunch Snap Shot

Demonstrating once more how the NBC Nightly News has become the big audience outlet for MSNBC’s left-wing angst, Brian Williams couldn’t even keep such silliness out of what should have been a ...
Media Research Center

CBS Ignores Two and a Half Men Actor's 'Filth' Controversy Until After He Apologized; Hides It Online

CBS's morning and evening newscasts conspicuously glossed over reporting on actor Angus T. Jones calling his own show, "Two and Half Men" - which airs on the network - "filth." By contrast, ABC's ...
Media Research Center

CBS's Major Garrett Ballyhoos 'Adamant' Obama on 'Protecting...Middle-Income Earners'

On Thursday's CBS This Morning, new White House correspondent and former Fox News journalist Major Garrett bucked the "militantly non-partisan" label he gave himself over a year ago when he hyped ...
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