Daily BiasAlerts, a product of the MRC's News Analysis Division, detail the latest instances of media bias by analyzing national media coverage of politics and policy. As of February 2015, they are no longer posted on MRC.org, but can be read on the CyberAlerts page of our NewsBusters blog.
The CyberAlert e-mail, with more than 175,000 subscribers, delivers a compilation each weekday of the newest posts. Sign up here.
Former Romney spokesperson Richard Grenell called out the media on
Monday for not focusing hard enough on President Obama's foreign policy
record. "The media needs to start looking at ...
Appearing on Sunday's NBC Meet the Press, The Atlantic's
national correspondent Jeff Goldberg acknowledged poor U.S.-Israel
relations and proceeded to blame Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin ...
Like their colleagues on NBC's Today show, Monday's CBS This Morning forwarded a recent Politico report about supposed "turmoil inside the Romney campaign," which was stuffed with unnamed sources. ...
In a stunning display of group-think on Sunday's NBC Meet the Press,
a panel of journalists all concluded that no American president could
have possibly prevented the ongoing crisis in Middle ...
Clint Eastwood appeared on Monday's Good Morning America to
promote his new movie, but still had to deal with media fallout from his
"controversial" "chair stunt" at the Republican National ...
Pushing the narrative of Mitt Romney losing the presidential election on Monday's NBC Today, co-host Savannah Guthrie seized on an article in Politico that "details squabbling among Romney ...
Today, the worst bias of 2003: The New York Times compares the
U.S. bombing of Baghdad to the horror of September 11; Peter Arnett goes
on Iraqi state TV to propagandize against the U.S.; and ...
Today, the worst bias of 2002: Bill Moyers gets the vapors after
Republicans win control of Congress; ABC’s Barbara Walters champions
Cuban dictator Fidel Castro’s dedication to “freedom;” and ...
“Listen for it,” CBS Evening News anchor Scott Pelley urged viewers Friday night in trumpeting what he hailed as “a
remarkable moment of candor” from President Barack Obama “when he told
us ...