
Daily BiasAlerts, a product of the MRC's News Analysis Division, detail the latest instances of media bias by analyzing national media coverage of politics and policy. As of February 2015, they are no longer posted on, but can be read on the CyberAlerts page of our NewsBusters blog.

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Media Research Center

Television Critics Love Rachel Maddow, Cite Her ‘Outstanding Achievement in News and Information’

Last week, for the third year in a row, the Television Critics Association – which “represents more than 200 journalists writing about television for print and online outlets in the United ...
Media Research Center

WashPost's Henderson Suggests FNC & 'Far Right' May Help Obama by Race-Baiting

Appearing as a panel member this weekend on the syndicated Chris Matthews Show, Nia-Malika Henderson of the Washington Post predicted that Fox News and the "far right" may drive independents and ...
Media Research Center

NBC's Snyderman: It's 'Pro-Science' to Abort Children with Genetic Defects

On Friday's NBC Today, chief medical editor Nancy Snyderman explained to viewers that it's just good science to abort an unborn child that may have a genetic disorder, explaining that testing ...
Media Research Center

Wolf Blitzer Fawns to Bill Clinton Over Chelsea: 'She Got the Best of Her Mom, the Best of Her Dad'

After letting Bill Clinton get away with his ridiculous excuse for supporting a temporary extension of the Bush tax cuts, Wolf Blitzer kissed up to the former president by fawning over his ...
Media Research Center

Bob Schieffer Laughs Off 'Campaigner-In-Chief' Charge Against Obama

Bob Schieffer didn't think much of the accusation that President Obama is the "campaigner-in-chief" on Friday's CBS This Morning. When anchor Erica Hill wondered if that charge could be "harmful" ...
Media Research Center

NBC Medical Editor Claims Saudi Arabia Better Than U.S. on Equal Pay for Women

Making an absurd declaration on Friday's NBC Today, chief medical editor Nancy Snyderman asserted that the oppressive regime in Saudi Arabia was fairer to working women than the United ...
Media Research Center

NYTimes' Myopic Take on Wisconsin: All About 'Stunning Amount' Spent by 'Corporate Interests and Billionaires'

The New York Times predictably emphasized the "stunning amount" of money spent during Republican Scott Walker's successful defense of his governor's seat in Wisconsin (an expensive election ...
Media Research Center

NBC's Todd Grills Victorious Walker: Do You 'Regret' Going for 'Political Kill' of Unions?

Following his resounding victory in Wisconsin's recall election on Tuesday, Governor Scott Walker appeared on Wednesday's The Daily Rundown on MSNBC, where host Chuck Todd wondered if Walker's ...
Media Research Center

ABC Highlights Dems Charging Obama Admin Leaked National Security Secrets

Uniquely among the broadcast network evening newscasts, ABC's World News on Thursday ran a report which informed viewers that Democrats in Congress have joined Republicans in accusing the Obama ...
Media Research Center

Media Gush Over Obama Basking in 'Thundering and Sustained Applause' of Gay Community

Since his very public endorsement of same-sex marriage on May 9, President Obama has become the unabashed hero of the LGBT community – a fact the liberal media has openly cheered. On ...
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