Daily BiasAlerts, a product of the MRC's News Analysis Division, detail the latest instances of media bias by analyzing national media coverage of politics and policy. As of February 2015, they are no longer posted on MRC.org, but can be read on the CyberAlerts page of our NewsBusters blog.
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Former President Jimmy Carter has gotten some love
from CNN recently, and he received another warm interview Sunday
morning from correspondent Martin Savidge. CNN touted Carter's "lessons
of ...
Good Morning America's David Kerley on Saturday parroted
Democratic talking points, mocking Mitt Romney for "embarrassing
missteps." Kerley openly wondered how the campaign could get things ...
Concluding a dramatically slanted discussion on immigration on Sunday's
NBC Meet the Press, host David Gregory grilled Arizona Governor Jan
Brewer on a recent argument with President Obama and ...
CBS’s Bob Schieffer, on Sunday morning’s Face the Nation,
pressed Republican New Jersey Governor Chris Christie over how
Republicans have moved “too far to the right” to win before cuing up ...
CBS This Morning on Friday boosted left-wing comedian John Oliver's smear on Rick Santorum, and conservatism in general, where he equated the GOP presidential candidate with a hardcore drug like ...
While ABC's World News declared
"a big chunk of the pain at the pump is Wall Street's fault" on
Thursday, on NBC's Nightly News, anchor Brian Williams similarly
announced: "The problem ...
ABC's John Berman on Friday chided the Republican presidential
candidates for not talking about jobs enough, lecturing the GOP field
that social issues could harm their chances of winning the ...
ABC on Thursday and Friday hyped the idea, pushed by Nancy Pelosi, that
oil speculators on Wall Street are to blame for high gas prices, citing
a "top government watchdog." Of course, the ...
Pretending the Obama administration did not intentionally turn birth
control into a campaign issue with the ObamaCare insurance mandate, on
Thursday's NBC Nightly News, anchor Brian Williams ...
In a gushing report on Wednesday's NBC Nightly News, correspondent
Savannah Guthrie freely acknowledged how media coverage has been
boosting President Obama this campaign season: "The ...