Daily BiasAlerts, a product of the MRC's News Analysis Division, detail the latest instances of media bias by analyzing national media coverage of politics and policy. As of February 2015, they are no longer posted on MRC.org, but can be read on the CyberAlerts page of our NewsBusters blog.
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On Wednesday's NBC Today, chief White House correspondent Chuck Todd was
looking for any excuse to be an Obama spokesman as made this
declaration about the announced retirement of Maine ...
On Tuesday's CBS This Morning, Charlie Rose lobbed a series of questions from the left at Republican Congressman Paul Ryan. Rose wondered if the recent trend towards social issues in the ...
Former Newsweek senior editor Howard Fineman on Tuesday slammed Rick Santorum as regressive, sneering, "Well, I think Rick Santorum is posing a more fundamental challenge to the modern world." ...
In light of Monday's deadly school shooting in Ohio, both CNN host Piers
Morgan and liberal comedian Bill Maher embarked on a lengthy liberal
screed against the current gun laws in America. ...
In an interview with Newt Gingrich on Tuesday's NBC Today, co-host Matt
Lauer hoped to get the former speaker to denounce recent comments by
Rick Santorum about higher education: "Santorum ...
A panel packed with liberal pundits on Tuesday's NBC Today concluded
that Mitt Romney "cannot relate to average people" because he is
"just an awkward human being" and "robot" who is "not ...
Far-left comedian Bill Maher appeared on Monday's Hardball to smear Rick
Santorum, inisisting that, unlike John F. Kennedy, the Republican is
saying, "Yes, I will take my marching orders from ...
Charlie Rose seemingly can't handle a Republican attacking President Obama, as he interrupted Haley Barbour on Monday's CBS This Morning. Rose took Rick Santorum's criticism of JFK out of context ...
Reporting on violent protests in Afghanistan following accidental Quran
burnings for Monday's NBC Today, correspondent Atia Abawi declared the
incident "...follows a long line of insults that ...
CNN's Don Lemon launched a heavy defense of President Obama's apology
for the Koran burnings in Afghanistan, in lieu of criticism Obama has
received from GOP presidential candidates. In his ...