
Daily BiasAlerts, a product of the MRC's News Analysis Division, detail the latest instances of media bias by analyzing national media coverage of politics and policy. As of February 2015, they are no longer posted on, but can be read on the CyberAlerts page of our NewsBusters blog.

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Media Research Center

Piers Morgan Rudely Labels Michele Bachmann as Intolerant, 'Judgmental,' and 'Vociferous'

On his Monday night show, CNN's Piers Morgan branded Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.) as "one of the most judgmental people in American politics." Bachmann shot back that he was being ...
Media Research Center

Howard Kurtz: Bachmann Should Have Expected Verbal Abuse Because She Ran for President

Michele Bachmann complained that although the media are outraged over an insult of Sandra Fluke, "there is no level of vitriol that's beyond the pale" when the victims are conservative women. ...
Media Research Center

CNN Contributor Argues Limbaugh's Remark Was Worse Than Bill Maher's Vitriol Against Palin

Liberal comedian Pete Dominick, a CNN contributor, listed the "differences" he saw between Rush Limbaugh's crack at Sandra Fluke and Bill Maher ripping Sarah Palin in vile fashion, on CNN ...
Media Research Center

Chris Matthews Spews: Romney Crowds Are Like 'Androids' in 'North Korea'

Liberal Hardball host Chris Matthews, who has spent the last several days berating Rush Limbaugh for using inappropriate words, on Wednesday mocked the "featureless" young crowds at Mitt Romney's ...
Media Research Center

NBC's Williams: Who in GOP Decided 'Let's Go After Reproductive Rights'?

In an obnoxious question to MSNBC Morning Joe host Joe Scarborough during NBC's prime time Super Tuesday special coverage, Nightly News anchor Brian Williams mocked the GOP as he pondered: ...
Media Research Center

George Stephanopoulos to Dem Buddy Carville: 'Give Some Advice to Mitt Romney'

Who's the best person to give Republican presidential front-runner Mitt Romney advice? Why, longtime Democratic strategist James Carville, of course. Recapping the Super Tuesday primaries on ...
Media Research Center

NBC Delights in Obama 'Dealing With the Big Issues' While GOP Suffers 'Damage'

In the minutes prior to President Obama's Tuesday press conference, Meet the Press host David Gregory could barely contain his glee as he proclaimed those in the White House, "feel pretty good ...
Media Research Center

CBS's Crawford: Mrs. Santorum's 'Frustration' With Media 'Understandable'

Jan Crawford spotlighted Karen Santorum's "frustrations with the media" on Tuesday's CBS This Morning, adding that it was "understandable. They've been mocked by some for how they grieved the loss ...
Media Research Center

Onslaught: ABC Airs Eight Limbaugh Stories in Less Than Five Days

Good Morning America's Dan Harris on Tuesday highlighted liberal hopes to turn Rush Limbaugh's "slut" comments into a "Don Imus moment." The March 6 segment brings the total number of ABC stories ...
Media Research Center

On NBC's Today, Donny Deutsch Demands All Limbaugh Advertisers Pull Out, 'They Have No Choice'

During the weekly left-wing panel discussion on Tuesday's NBC Today, advertising executive Donny Deutsch announced: "The advertisers that are still on [sponsoring Limbaugh's radio show] are ...
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