
Daily BiasAlerts, a product of the MRC's News Analysis Division, detail the latest instances of media bias by analyzing national media coverage of politics and policy. As of February 2015, they are no longer posted on, but can be read on the CyberAlerts page of our NewsBusters blog.

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Media Research Center

CNN Hypes Santorum's 'War on Pornography,' Questions Why He's Making It an Issue

Even though enforcing federal obscenity laws is at the bottom of Rick Santorum's "Issues" page on his website, CNN blared headlines about his "war on pornography" and questioned why he was even ...
Media Research Center

NBC Airs Obama Campaign Press Release and Pretends It's News

At the top of Thursday's NBC Nightly News, anchor Brian Williams did his part for President Obama's re-election as he announced: "Game on. The President and Vice President hitting it hard ...
Media Research Center

Obama Administration Pulls Funding, But CBS Scolds Texas for Daring to Harm Sacrosanct Planned Parenthood

Obama administration officials in the Department of Health and Human Services announced Thursday they would pull all of Medicaid’s funding for Texas’ Women’s Health Program because the state ...
Media Research Center

NBC's Williams: Fmr. British PM Tony Blair 'May Never Recover' from Being Bush's 'Poodle' on Iraq War

In an interview with British Prime Minister David Cameron aired on Wednesday's NBC Rock Center, Nightly News anchor Brian Williams cautioned Cameron about one of his predecessors: "You'll ...
Media Research Center

Nets Spend More Time on Celebrities, Wine at State Dinner Than Obama Donors

ABC's Dan Harris trumpeted the "bromance between President Obama and British Prime Minister David Cameron" on Thursday's GMA. Harris noted the presence of Vogue magazine head Anna Wintour at ...
Media Research Center

NYT's Brian Stelter Labels Rush Limbaugh an 'Offensive Figure'

According to New York Times media reporter Brian Stelter, Rush Limbaugh is an "offensive figure," but race-baiter Al Sharpton is merely a "liberal commentator"? And the paper has yet to ...
Media Research Center

NBC Alarmism: Global Warming 'Could Cause a Whole Lot of Damage Much Sooner'

Seizing on warmer than usual temperatures across the country, on Wednesday's NBC Nightly News, anchor Brian Williams ominously warned viewers: "Much warmer weather can have a dark side, of ...
Media Research Center

Smug Liberal Journalists Appear on CNN to Trash 'Taliban' Christians, 'Bully' Limbaugh

Former Today co-host Meredith Vieira appeared with her husband, journalist Richard M. Cohen, on Wednesday's Piers Morgan. Cohen railed against Christian conservatives as the "American equivalent ...
Media Research Center

CNN Questions Santorum's Appeal to Women Voters Given His 'Ultra-Conservative' Positions

CNN's Zoraida Sambolin questioned Rick Santorum's appeal with women voters nationwide as she targeted his "ultra-conservative" positions that "some women don't relate to," on Wednesday's Early ...
Media Research Center

CBS: Internet 'Very Unfriendly' Due to Politics; Omits Liberals More Unfriendly

CBS This Morning on Tuesday highlighted a recent Pew Research poll that "says politics is now making the Internet very unfriendly....nine percent of social networking users say they've ...
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