
Daily BiasAlerts, a product of the MRC's News Analysis Division, detail the latest instances of media bias by analyzing national media coverage of politics and policy. As of February 2015, they are no longer posted on, but can be read on the CyberAlerts page of our NewsBusters blog.

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Media Research Center

CNN Educates Viewers on Benefits of ObamaCare

According to CNN host Carol Costello, the White House failed to sell a health care bill that could have been embraced by the American people, many of whom "simply don't understand" the bill. ...
Media Research Center

ABC's Josh Elliott: 'I'm Proud to Work at a Place That Believes in Advocacy Journalism!'

Sometimes journalists just come right out and say it: Appearing at the Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD) Awards, Saturday, ABC News anchor Josh Elliott gushed over media ...
Media Research Center

NBC Sees Nuclear Plant as Job Creator for Vets...After Hyping It As Dangerous a Year Ago

On Monday's NBC Today, Tom Brokaw reported on veteran Mike Wright returning from tours in Iraq and Afghanistan to continue work at New York's Indian Point nuclear power plant: "Entergy, ...
Media Research Center

CBS Rips GOP Candidates for Daring to Question European Socialism

CBS's Allen Pizzey completely whitewashed the struggling European economy on CBS Sunday Morning to bash the Republican presidential candidates' attack on President Obama's economic policies. ...
Media Research Center

ABC Hypes Ex-Bush Aide: Hypocritical States Push God While Touting Gun Rights

Which This Week analyst used the Trayvon Martin shooting in Florida as an excuse to slam religious conservative? It wasn't liberal host George Stephanopoulos. Instead, Matt Dowd on Sunday said ...
Media Research Center

NBC: Did 'Controversial' Dick Cheney Really Deserve That Heart Transplant?

Sinking to a new low in their disdain for Dick Cheney, the hosts on Monday's NBC Today wondered if the former vice president should have received a recent heart transplant, with Ann Curry ...
Media Research Center

CBS’s O’Donnell Hits Ryan with White House Talking Points, Then Cues Up Softballs to Schumer

Filling in for Bob Schieffer on Face the Nation, Norah O’Donnell hit Republican Congressman Paul Ryan from the left, using White House talking points to contend his budget plan helps the rich ...
Media Research Center

Ex-Newsweek's Wolffe Warns of 'Ugliness' Toward Obama from GOP Crowds, 'Same Thing' as '08 Campaign

On Friday's The Ed Show on MSNBC, host Ed Schultz and MSNBC political analyst Richard Wolffe - formerly of Newsweek - drew attention to a woman at a shooting range who recently encouraged Rick ...
Media Research Center

Hypocritical Piers Morgan Slams Gingrich's 'Overreaction' to 'White First Lady' Joke

Piers Morgan was astonished that Newt Gingrich can't take a joke about "white" First Ladies -- but Morgan himself has a double standard concerning political satire. He laughed at a vulgar Bill ...
Media Research Center

NBC: Kardashian Flour-Bombed is 'Terrifying'; GOP Candidates Glitter-Bombed A Campaign Gaffe

On Friday's NBC Today, news anchor Natalie Morales worried about the safety of reality star Kim Kardashian after a "nasty surprise" at a red carpet event: "...a woman threw white powder on the ...
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