
Daily BiasAlerts, a product of the MRC's News Analysis Division, detail the latest instances of media bias by analyzing national media coverage of politics and policy. As of February 2015, they are no longer posted on, but can be read on the CyberAlerts page of our NewsBusters blog.

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Media Research Center

Andrew Sullivan Accuses Catholic Bishops of Politicizing Contraception Debate

Sunday's Fareed Zakaria GPS saw a ridiculing of the Catholic bishops and Republicans for their stances against contraception and the HHS mandate. The liberal panel was quite hostile to ...
Media Research Center

MSNBC's Chuck Todd 'Loves' the History Lesson Bill Clinton Gives, Luke Russert Fawns

Different network, same fawning coverage. MSNBC journalists Chuck Todd and Luke Russert fawned over Bill Clinton, Monday, with Todd "loving" the liberal history lesson that the former ...
Media Research Center

Meet the Press: Even Aborigines in New Zealand Say Romney's 'Not Authentic'

Appearing on Sunday's NBC Meet the Press, New York Times columnist Tom Friedman slammed Mitt Romney by suggesting even Aborigines tribes in New Zealand and Australia were mocking him: "I just ...
Media Research Center

Jake Tapper Tosses Softballs to Clinton, ABC Spikes Obama's Bad Week at the Supreme Court

Good Morning America offered another typical softball session with Bill Clinton on Monday to promote his latest Global Initiative meeting, but since using George Stephanopoulos might seem too ...
Media Research Center

Embarrassing Conduct by Schieffer: Cues Up Biden to Pontificate, But Argues with Gingrich

An embarrassing performance Sunday for CBS’s Bob Schieffer in the debut of the new hour-long format for Face the Nation. At least he should be embarrassed by the contrast in how he played ...
Media Research Center

Sunday Guests Fret Public Naivete on ObamaCare Benefits as Friedman Blames Poor Communication

Reeling from the possibility the Supreme Court might undermine ObamaCare, two members in good standing of the liberal media elite, both with the New York Times, took to the Sunday shows to ...
Media Research Center

Mike Tyson: Bigoted Tea Party Can't Stand Seeing Obama as 'Strongest Man on the Planet'

Former heavyweight boxing champion Mike Tyson believes America has become more racist since Barack Obama was elected president, and that groups like the Tea Party have surfaced through that ...
Media Research Center

Piers Morgan Encourages Arlen Specter to Take Out Some Tea Party 'Cannibals'

As former Senator Arlen Specter (D-Pa.) railed against political extremists whom he termed "cannibals," CNN's Piers Morgan actually encouraged him to "start taking a few of them out for us" ...
Media Research Center

NBC: Skittles Has Become 'A Symbol of Racial Injustice'

Filling in for Matt Lauer on Friday's NBC Today, co-host Hoda Kotb made a bizarre proclamation about race relations in the wake of the Trayvon Martin shooting: "Skittles obviously has become ...
Media Research Center

Chris Matthews: I Was 'Totally Unprepared' for 'Prospect' of ObamaCare Being 'Ripped Down'

How detached is Chris Matthews from the rest of the country? The Hardball host on Thursday appeared bewildered as he conceded to being "totally unprepared" for the prospect that Obamacare ...
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