Daily BiasAlerts, a product of the MRC's News Analysis Division, detail the latest instances of media bias by analyzing national media coverage of politics and policy. As of February 2015, they are no longer posted on MRC.org, but can be read on the CyberAlerts page of our NewsBusters blog.
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While serving as guest host on Tuesday's NBC Today, Sarah Palin
literally gave HBO's hit piece on her, Game Change, a thumbs down, and
declared: "I didn't see the movie. And I wouldn't waste ...
On Tuesday's CBS This Morning, Charlie Rose rolled over and deferred to chief Obama flack David Axelrod and his talking points defending the President's Monday rant against the Supreme Court and ...
In his Tuesday interview with Sarah Palin on NBC's Today, co-host Matt
Lauer insisted the economy was getting better and wondered why voters
should bother voting out President Obama: "Some ...
While discussing a new Facebook app that allows users to list their
enemies during the Tuesday panel segment on NBC's Today, liberal
advertising executive Donny Deutsch claimed guest host ...
Good Morning America's John Berman on Tuesday again proved his
ability to be crude, adding a zipper sound effect to a quote by Ann
Romney. Sounding like a fifth grade boy, Berman derided the ...
On Tuesday's NBC Today, co-host Matt Lauer pressed Sarah Palin on
whether the Republican nominee should pick a vice presidential running
mate with more experience than she had in 2008. Palin ...
At the top of Saturday's NBC Nightly News, anchor Lester Holt scared viewers with an ominous declaration: "Disaster
warning. Scientists sound the alarm. If you think this season's wild
weather ...
On Monday's Piers Morgan Tonight, as he interviewed Rick Santorum, CNN host Morgan suggested that America needs more gun control, and pressed the GOP candidate on whether it is "caring" for him, ...
NBC anchor Brian Williams on Monday night used Republican troubles with
women to trumpet how “a former candidate, who now happens to be
Secretary of State, is speaking out.” Andrea Mitchell ...
New York Times reporters Reed Abelson and Katie Thomas feared for the
consequences of a world without Obama-care on Saturday's front page: "A Health Law At Risk Gives Insurers Pause."
The ...