Daily BiasAlerts, a product of the MRC's News Analysis Division, detail the latest instances of media bias by analyzing national media coverage of politics and policy. As of February 2015, they are no longer posted on MRC.org, but can be read on the CyberAlerts page of our NewsBusters blog.
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On Monday's CBS This Morning host Charlie Rose tossed Sen. Chuck Schumer
(D-N.Y.) a softball on whether he believes higher taxes on millionaires
would create jobs, but the senator only chose ...
According to veteran journalist Barbara
Walters on Monday, the American public doesn't know whether "most"
reporters are "Republicans or Democrats." The unbelievable claim came
during a View ...
Apparently the problem for President Obama is that he is just cares too
much about America. That, or he's similar to Jimmy Carter, the last
president who caused liberals to wonder if the ...
Appearing on NBC's Sunday web-based feature Press Pass, South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley tore apart the media obsession with the contraception debate: "The
media thinks that women only care ...
ABC’s Sunday night tribute to Mike Wallace, who passed away Saturday
night, highlighted several swipes at Ronald Reagan, thus, inadvertently
or not, painting the “legendary” 60 Minutes ...
When ABC’s Jake Tapper held up Andrew’s Sullivan’s “Forget the Church, Follow Jesus” Newsweek
cover story on how, as Tapper described Sullivan’s premise, “American
Christianity is in a ...
On Thursday night's Anderson Cooper 360, CNN's legal analyst Jeffrey Toobin was
confronted by Jay Sekulow of the American Center for Law and Justice
over his defense of President Obama's ...
The Today show on
Friday continued to ignore an embarrassing example of government waste
during Barack Obama's tenure. ABC, CBS and NBC's Nightly News, however, have all highlighted the ...
On Wednesday's NBC Tonight Show, host Jay Leno asked Meet the Press host
David Gregory if Mitt Romney's religion would be fair game in the
general election: "...with Obama....you know, 'Oh, ...
On Thursday's The Ed Show, Ed Schultz insisted that there is indeed a "war on women" by Republicans as the MSNBC host responded to a recent interview by RNC Chairman Reince Priebus in which is ...