
Daily BiasAlerts, a product of the MRC's News Analysis Division, detail the latest instances of media bias by analyzing national media coverage of politics and policy. As of February 2015, they are no longer posted on, but can be read on the CyberAlerts page of our NewsBusters blog.

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Media Research Center

NPR Touts Leftist Campaign Against 'Hardline Conservative Policies'

On Thursday's Morning Edition, NPR's Peter Overby slanted towards a left-wing coalition targeting the conservative group ALEC. Overby trumpeted how Coke and Pepsi succumbed to pressure from the ...
Media Research Center

CNN: Some Republican Judges Are 'Deranged by Hatred' of Obama

CNN's senior legal analyst charged on Thursday's Starting Point that "some of these Republican judges are just deranged by hatred of the President." Jeffrey Toobin was railing against the ...
Media Research Center

CNBC: Don't Worry, '$4 Gas Isn't That Big of a Deal'

In an opinion piece for on Wednesday, Street Signs anchor Brian Sullivan argued: "...for the majority of the country, $4 gas isn't going to doom us or our economy....right now it just ...
Media Research Center

NBC Accuses Federal Judge of Bringing Politics Into Courtroom By Questioning Obama

On Wednesday's NBC Nightly News, anchor Brian Williams accused a federal judge of bringing politics into the judicial process simply by ordering the Justice Department to explain controversial ...
Media Research Center

Networks Freak Out Over All Male Golf Club; Katie Couric Lectures: 'Get With the Program'

ABC and NBC could barely contain their contempt while covering the controversy over the all-male Augusta golf club. Katie Couric, guest anchoring Good Morning America on Thursday, lectured the ...

Matt Bai's Epic NYT Mag Story Blames Boehner, Tea Party 'Extremists' for Failed Debt Deal; Wash Post Blamed Obama

Matt Bai, chief political correspondent for the New York Times Magazine, delivered a 10,000-word epic cover story on last summer's failed debt negotiations between President Barack Obama and ...
Media Research Center

Charlie Rose to McCain: Ryan Plan a 'Prescription for American Decline'?

Charlie Rose boosted two of the left's talking points about Rep. Paul Ryan's budget proposal and GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney on Wednesday's CBS This Morning. Rose asked Republican ...
Media Research Center

CNN Again Hosts Van Jones, Host Soledad O'Brien Tosses Mostly Softballs

Once again, CNN hosted former Obama "green jobs" czar Van Jones, giving him plenty of air-time to tout his new book and defend himself against accusations from conservatives. Unsurprisingly, ...
Media Research Center

NBC's 'Today' Touts 'Mixed Reaction' to Palin Guest Hosting

On Wednesday's NBC Today, co-host Ann Curry informed viewers that reviews were in for Sarah Palin's Tuesday guest-hosting stint on the broadcast: "...we had a pretty interesting morning around ...
Media Research Center

ABC Lectures Rick Santorum: Stop Wasting Your 'Political Capital' and 'Get Out'

Good Morning America analyst Matt Dowd on Wednesday lectured Rick Santorum to "get out" and stop wasting "any little bit of political capital he has left." Depending on which count one looks ...
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