
Daily BiasAlerts, a product of the MRC's News Analysis Division, detail the latest instances of media bias by analyzing national media coverage of politics and policy. As of February 2015, they are no longer posted on, but can be read on the CyberAlerts page of our NewsBusters blog.

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Media Research Center

Network Morning Shows Greet Trouble for 'Historic' ObamaCare with Scant Coverage

Barack Obama's health care law ran into a legal buzz saw at the Supreme Court, Tuesday. So, how did the network morning shows on Wednesday cover the "historic" case? They mostly ignored it. ...

As ObamaCare Hits Supreme Court, New York Times Buries Unfavorable Poll Findings on A-17

There were strange priorities afoot in Tuesday's New York Times, which led with a poll story on falling support for the war in Afghanistan. Yet the paper buried a story from the same poll ...
Media Research Center

NBC's Lauer to Boehner: 'Isn't It Hard to Run Against a Recovering Economy?'

In an interview with House Speaker John Boehner aired on Wednesday's NBC Today, co-host Matt Lauer depicted the November election as a futile effort for the GOP: "[The economy] does put some ...
Media Research Center

CNN Hypes Family's 'Fear' of SCOTUS Striking Down ObamaCare

For the second day in a row, CNN appealed to emotion and aired the story of an innocent chid that made the case for ObamaCare. On Tuesday morning they featured a heartrending account of an ...
Media Research Center

NBC Panelist Donny Deutsch: Tim Tebow Joining NY Jets 'Will Be His Waterloo'

Responding on Tuesday to NBC Today co-host Matt Lauer wondering if Tim Tebow would be the "right fit" for the New York Jets, advertising executive Donny Deutsch predicted the faithful ...
Media Research Center

WashPost Defends ObamaCare's Constitutionality; But In 1995, Paper Cautioned Congress to 'Demonstrate Some Modesty' On Commerce Clause

It was as predictable as the sun rising in the east, but today the Washington Post defended as constitutional ObamaCare's individual mandate. The mandate is defended by the administration ...
Media Research Center

Coburn Brushes Off Charlie Rose's Citation of Pseudo-Conservative Brooks

Charlie Rose boosted New York Times's staff "conservative" David Brooks for his endorsement of the individual mandate on Tuesday's CBS This Morning, but Senator Tom Coburn was having none of it. ...
Media Research Center

CNN's Reversal: ObamaCare Goes from 8-1 Supreme Court Winner to Legal 'Train Wreck'

CNN's legal analyst Jeffrey Toobin dialed back his wild judicial predictions, Tuesday. The same man who only last week predicted an eight-to-one victory for Obamacare in the Supreme Court, now ...
Media Research Center

ABC Hyperventilates: 'Sour' Santorum 'Lashes Out' and 'Goes to War' With Media

The journalists at Good Morning America on Tuesday appeared shocked that a "sour" Rick Santorum dared to aggressively oppose a New York Times reporter, hyperventilating that the Republican ...
Media Research Center

Maddow on 'Today': ObamaCare Decision Will Be 'Referendum' On 'Conservatively Politicized' Supreme Court

Appearing on Tuesday's NBC Today, left-wing MSNBC host Rachel Maddow spun the Supreme Court ruling on ObamaCare as being a judgment of how partisan the high court has become: "...this may as ...
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