
New Columbia J-School Report Advocates Government Support for News Media

A report from Columbia University's Graduate School of Journalism calls for taxpayer spending on the news media, advocating that public radio and television be "substantially reoriented" to ...

WaPo Shocks No One; Endorses VA Dem the Paper Has Been Boosting for Months

In what could be described as the biggest non-surprise of the 2009 Virginia gubernatorial election, the Washington Post on Sunday endorsed Creigh Deeds, the Democratic candidate that its news ...

CBS Touts 'Obama Premium' On Real Estate In First Family's Chicago Neighborhood

Monday's CBS Early Show took time to highlight the selling power of the Obama family as correspondent Dean Reynolds reported: "Bill Grimshaw thinks he has the perfect sales pitch for the house ...

In WSJ Limbaugh Blasts 'Contempt in News Business for Conservatives,' It 'Reflects Blind Hatred'

The Wall Street Journal featured an op-ed from Rush Limbaugh in which he outlined how "this spectacle is bigger" than left-wingers trying to keep him out of the NFL: "There is a contempt in the ...

CBS's Couric Finally Notices Obama's $1.4 Trillion Deficit

Back on October 7, when the Congressional Budget Office reported that the federal deficit had ballooned to a massive $1.4 trillion during President Obama's first year on the job, Katie Couric's ...

MSNBC Admits: 'Unable to Verify' False Limbaugh Quote; No Retraction or Apology

On Friday, MSNBC News Live anchor David Shuster admitted that his cable network had been "unable to verify" the false quotes he and others attributed to Rush Limbaugh. However, he did not ...

NBC's Turn to Fall In Love With Obama-Adoring Kid

Last night ABC News, as the MRC's Brent Baker noted, showcased the "Why People Hate You Obama?" kid and on Friday's Today show it was NBC's turn to be charmed by the Obama-adoring child.

ABC Showcases Kid Pleading to Obama: 'Why People Hate You? Supposed to Love You'

ABC's Charles Gibson on Thursday night showcased what he described as "an interesting" question President Barack Obama got from "a fourth grader" during a friendly town hall session in New ...

Author Can't Verify Anti-Limbaugh Quotes, So Huffington Post Pulls Them Down

In 2006, Huffington Post writer Jack Huberman disseminated quotes allegedly from Rush Limbaugh declaring sympathy for slavery and Martin Luther King's assassin. The quotes were widely cited as ...

Matthews Mocks Rush as 'Master of Righteous Indignation'

In an intro dripping with sarcasm, Chris Matthews, on Thursday's Hardball, opened his show by declaring Rush Limbaugh's "racially inflammatory words," have "knocked him out as a potential NFL ...
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