NBC and CBS's morning shows on Thursday completely skipped any reference to the false quotes that forced Rush Limbaugh to be dropped from a group bidding to buy the St. Louis Rams. Only Good ...
On the June 3, 2009 Rachel Maddow Show on MSNBC, host Rachel Maddow cited a false quote attributed to Rush Limbaugh in which the radio host supposedly said he wanted to award Martin Luther King ...
On Tuesday's Countdown show, MSNBC's Keith Olbermann spewed bile at conservative commentator Michelle Malkin, accusing her of possessing "fascistic hatred," and comparing her to a "mashed-up bag ...
Back on October 7, St. Louis Post-Dispatch sports writer Bryan Burwell was the first to impugn Rush Limbaugh with a quote claiming the radio host saw "merits" in slavery. In his latest column, ...
MSNBC contributor Touré on Wednesday continued the network's vitriolic, slanderous attacks on Rush Limbaugh. Discussing the radio host's bid to buy the St. Louis Rams, the cable commentator ...
"In 1912, almost a hundred years ago," ABC's Charles Gibson trumpeted, "Teddy Roosevelt called for universal health care. It now may be closer than at any time since then." Katie Couric championed ...
Chris Matthews, on Tuesday's Hardball, went all blue when discussing Rush Limbaugh's interview with his NBC News colleague Jamie Gangel. After showing a clip of Limbaugh playing word association, ...
On Monday, CNN's Rick Sanchez claimed radio host Rush Limbaugh once said of slavery: "It had its merits," but offered no documentation. On Tuesday, Sanchez relayed Limbaugh's strong denial, but ...
ABC's Good Morning America on Tuesday devoted two stories to whether the "controversial" Rush Limbaugh would be able to buy an NFL team, but skipped any discussion of the false quotes that have ...
CNN's Anderson Cooper brought on Rev. Al Sharpton- a person with an actual racially-divisive past- on his program on Monday to expound on his argument that Rush Limbaugh is "divisive" and even ...