Daily BiasAlerts, a product of the MRC's News Analysis Division, detail the latest instances of media bias by analyzing national media coverage of politics and policy. As of February 2015, they are no longer posted on MRC.org, but can be read on the CyberAlerts page of our NewsBusters blog.
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As the weekend ends, catching up with a Wednesday Washington Post article which encapsulated how journalists are revolted by conservative economic policy and upset at how an aversion to tax hikes ...
On Friday's 20/20 on ABC, co-anchor John Stossel exposed the flaws in the Canadian and British government-run health care systems, and even showed viewers a clip of President Obama as he once ...
How unusual is it for a new President to be featured seven times on Time's cover, as Barack Obama has been (with Michelle Obama snagging her own solo appearance)? A look back finds Bill Clinton ...
A year ago, when GDP rose 1.9%, CBS centered a story around the "disappointing" news while ABC and NBC ignored it. But Friday night, Katie Couric crowed a 1% Q2 decline means the "glimmer of hope ...
MSNBC host Donny Deutsch frothed about "right-wing racism" on Thursday and trashed Rush Limbaugh as a both a "moron" and a "putz." The former CNBC anchor talked with liberal journalist Joan Walsh ...
Reporting on the Obama administration's 'Cash for Clunkers' car buying program running out of money, CBS correspondent Nancy Cordes offered a mixed message: "'Cash for Clunkers' has been such a ...
Time magazine's August 10 edition with President Barack Obama on the cover ("Paging Dr. Obama") trying to heal the nation in a photo illustration as a physician, wearing a white smock with a ...
When Obama does it, it's news. ABC and NBC on Thursday night made time to highlight who President Barack Obama will bestow with a Presidential Medal of Freedom in two weeks. Both started with ...
ABC's Pierre Thomas landed an exclusive interview with Eric Holder on Wednesday's Nightline, quizzing the Attorney General on race relations in America. Somehow, however, the reporter managed to ...
ABC's new "senior medical editor," Dr. Richard Besser, donated $400 to Barack Obama's presidential campaign in 2008, a search on OpenSecrets.org reveals. Besser, who filled in as acting director ...