
Daily BiasAlerts, a product of the MRC's News Analysis Division, detail the latest instances of media bias by analyzing national media coverage of politics and policy. As of February 2015, they are no longer posted on, but can be read on the CyberAlerts page of our NewsBusters blog.

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Meghan McCain Calls Joe the Plumber a 'Dumb Ass;' MSNBC's Contessa Brewer Agrees

On Thursday, MSNBC anchor Contessa Brewer reported on Meghan McCain calling Joe the Plumber a "dumb ass" for his views on homosexuality and remarked: "Is that name calling? Or, you know, if it ...

Flashback: John John Was No 'Sun God,' Chappaquiddick Was a Kopechne Tragedy

"The sudden death of the only son of an assassinated President is certainly a major news story, but the TV nets used his death as a chance to launch a week-long tribute to him as America's 'crown ...

CBS Remembers JFK Jr. As Both an 'Icon' and 'A Regular Guy'

At the top of Thursday's CBS Early Show, co-host Harry Smith marked the ten-year anniversary of the death of JFK Jr. by declaring: "He was such an icon in the city [New York], and we're going to ...

ABC Mourns Lost Presidential Talents of JFK Jr., 'Prince of Camelot'

ABC's Chris Cuomo and Claire Shipman on Thursday marked the tenth anniversary of the death of "the prince of Camelot," John F. Kennedy Jr., lamenting the loss of such strong presidential talent. ...

CBS and NBC Push Obama's Health Agenda, Empathize with His Challenge

The White House's decision to offer interviews with the President to the medical doctors who are correspondents for ABC, CBS and NBC paid off Wednesday night with stories that embraced the ...

Matthews Commemorates 'Prophet' Jimmy Carter's 'Malaise' Speech

Leave it to Chris Matthews, a former speechwriter to Jimmy Carter, to actually commemorate the 30th anniversary of the former president's infamous "malaise" speech. On Wednesday's Hardball, ...

ABC Highlights Government Waste; Targets Lavish Social Security Retreats

ABC's Brian Ross on Wednesday investigated a subject that has been skipped by CBS and NBC's morning shows, the more than $1 million spent by the Social Security Administration for its employees to ...

NPR's Totenberg Claims Sotomayor 'More Conservative' Than Scalia

NPR's Nina Totenberg, on Monday's Charlie Rose, told the PBS host that Supreme Court nominee Sonya Sotomayor actually has "a pretty conservative record" and "you could say that she's more ...

Networks Sidestep Sotomayor's Repudiation of Obama's 'Empathy' Doctrine

Back in May, NBC sycophantically touted President Obama's credentials as a constitutional law professor as evidence of his deep experience when it came to the judiciary. But after his nominee to ...

CBS Ignores Sotomayor's Multiple 'Wise Latina' Comments

Reporting on Sonia Sotomayor responding to questions about her "wise Latina" comments during Tuesday's confirmation hearing, CBS's Wyatt Andrews glossed over the multiple times she made the ...
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