Daily BiasAlerts, a product of the MRC's News Analysis Division, detail the latest instances of media bias by analyzing national media coverage of politics and policy. As of February 2015, they are no longer posted on MRC.org, but can be read on the CyberAlerts page of our NewsBusters blog.
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CNN's Soledad O'Brien once again jumped to the defense of the Obama
campaign, as she tried to argue on Monday that the economy is "trending"
in the President's favor. She countered Romney aide ...
Providing a forum to actor and Obama supporter Robert De Niro on
Sunday's NBC Meet the Press, host David Gregory teed up the celebrity to
praise the President: "...you talked about your ...
Despite devoting 33 stories to the dramatic case of Chinese dissident
Chen Guangcheng, NBC and ABC have all but ignored the major cause of the
human rights activist: Opposing the communist ...
Monday's CBS This Morning turned to former Clinton Labor Secretary Robert Reich to brush off the effect of French socialist Francois Hollande's election on the world economy, despite the immediate ...
Talking to Meet the Press host David Gregory on Monday's NBC Today,
co-host Ann Curry pushed for Mitt Romney to move away from
conservatives: "...does he have to work really hard now to ...
Perhaps previewing the winking and nodding that will follow in the
general election campaign, ABC's John Berman on Monday uncritically
parroted the White House line on gay marriage: "What the ...
In a complete violation of journalistic ethics, Friday's NBC Today aired
an invented hidden camera scenario in which two teen girls were
portrayed as participating in racial discrimination as ...
CBS’s Bob Schieffer, who in February
asked New Jersey Governor Chris Christie whether the Republican
presidential candidates “are pushing your party too far to the right to
make the ...
CBS was shocked at conservative rocker Ted Nugent's on-camera outburst
during an interview, and made sure to report that he endorsed Mitt Romney. However, the same network deemed liberal ...
NBC Nightly News anchor Brian Williams on Thursday fretted
about the "very tough spot" a Chinese dissident and human rights
activist has put Hillary Clinton in. On Friday's Good Morning ...