
Daily BiasAlerts, a product of the MRC's News Analysis Division, detail the latest instances of media bias by analyzing national media coverage of politics and policy. As of February 2015, they are no longer posted on, but can be read on the CyberAlerts page of our NewsBusters blog.

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Media Research Center

Time Mag’s Scherer Hails ‘Incredibly Eloquent’ Lugar Manifesto, Compares It to Eisenhower’s Warning

The Washington press corps always love it when establishment Republicans scold conservatives for trying to “purify” the party, and Time magazine’s Michael Scherer did not disappoint. “Indiana ...
Media Research Center

Gayle King Likens Opposing Same-Sex 'Marriage' to Opposing Desegregation

Obama booster Gayle King attacked conservative Dennis Prager on Thursday's CBS This Morning for his opposition to same-sex marriage. King channeled the left by equating such opposition to opposing ...
Media Research Center

ABC Hypes Gay Marriage Infomercial With Obama as a 'Historic' 'Riveting' 'Cultural Event'

On ABC's World News, Wednesday, Diane Sawyer and Robin Roberts hyped Barack Obama's endorsement of gay marriage as a "historic," "riveting" "cultural event." The interview played more as an ...
Media Research Center

NBC Brings on MSNBC's Maddow to Attack 'Very, Very Conservative' Romney 'Who Wants to Roll Back Gay Rights Nationwide'

To get reaction to President Obama's flip-flop on gay marriage, Thursday's NBC Today brought on openly gay left-wing MSNBC host Rachel Maddow, who quickly attacked Republicans on the issue: ...
Media Research Center

NBC's Savannah Guthrie Admits 'Many People' in Media 'Uniformly Support Same-Sex Marriage'

In a panel discussion on Thursday's NBC Today about President Obama announcing his support for gay marriage on Wednesday, co-host Savannah Guthrie confessed to the group of all liberal ...
Media Research Center

Robin Roberts Awed by Obama's Gay Marriage Stand: I Get 'Chills' When I Hear It

Good Morning America's Robin Roberts on Thursday made little effort to hide the excitement she felt when Barack Obama came out in support for gay marriage. Touting her exclusive interview with ...
Media Research Center

CNN's Morgan Mocks Catholic Love of Gay Children, Should Say 'I Hate Gay People'

On Wednesday's Piers Morgan Tonight, CNN host Piers Morgan mocked Catholic League president Bill Donohue's declaration that Catholicism demands that gay children should still be loved by their ...
Media Research Center

CNN Welcomes Mourdock to Senate Race: Aren't You Going to 'Undermine' American Unity If You Win?

After CNN's Erin Burnett lamented the defeat of "moderate" Dick Lugar in Indiana's GOP Senate primary, Wednesday's Starting Point panel had a cold welcome for the victorious Tea Party ...
Media Research Center

CNN's 'Balanced' Coverage of Obama's Support for Gay Marriage: 5 Guests In Favor, 1 Opposed

It didn't take long after President Obama voiced his support for same-sex marriage for CNN to gauge the enthusiasm of those in favor of the move. After the news broke at 3 p.m Wednesday, the ...
Media Research Center

Chris Matthews Links Gay Marriage Opponents to Supporters of Slavery

Minutes after Barack Obama came out for gay marriage, Wednesday, Chris Matthews appeared on MSNBC to compare opponents of such unions to "wolves" and to link them to supporters of slavery. ...
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