Daily BiasAlerts, a product of the MRC's News Analysis Division, detail the latest instances of media bias by analyzing national media coverage of politics and policy. As of February 2015, they are no longer posted on MRC.org, but can be read on the CyberAlerts page of our NewsBusters blog.
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Charlie Rose desperately tried to find confirmation from former Defense Secretary Robert Gates on Wednesday's CBS This Morning on whether President Obama is a good commander-in-chief: "You can ...
After the Obama campaign released an ad on Monday attacking Mitt
Romney's record at Bain Capital, CNN went so far as to question President
Obama's hypocrisy in attacking Romney. In contrast, ...
Appearing on CBS's Late Show with David Letterman on Tuesday, NBC
Nightly News anchor Brian Williams heaped his idea of high praise onto
CBS Evening News anchor Scott Pelley: "Scott grew up ...
60 Minutes journalist Lesley Stahl is apparently concerned
about how such "out of the mainstream" Republicans ran in the 2012
presidential primaries, given what a "centrist" country America ...
In a particularly sleazy allegation, David Letterman on Tuesday night
alleged former President George W. Bush and former Vice President Dick
Cheney “went soft” on finding Osama bin Laden ...
The latest CBS News/New York Times poll not only shows Mitt Romney ahead of Barack Obama by three points, but also that Romney is leading among women voters. That was such an embarrassing result ...
Appearing as a guest on Tuesday's Conan show on TBS, HBO comedian Bill Maher absurdly suggested that recent allegations that Mitt Romney engaged in "bullying" in high school are worse than being ...
Anchor Erica Hill gave actress Jane Lynch a platform on Tuesday's CBS This Morning to laud President Obama's flip-flop on same-sex "marriage." Hill set it up by citing a recent Tweet from the open ...
CNN's Don Lemon compared Republican presidential
candidate Mitt Romney to former Alabama governor -- and segregationist
-- George Wallace on Sunday evening. What prompted the jarring ...
CNN's Don Lemon said last year that he hoped to "change minds"
when he declared that he was gay. And on Sunday evening he showed
exactly where he lies on same-sex marriage and in no small ...