
Daily BiasAlerts, a product of the MRC's News Analysis Division, detail the latest instances of media bias by analyzing national media coverage of politics and policy. As of February 2015, they are no longer posted on, but can be read on the CyberAlerts page of our NewsBusters blog.

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Media Research Center

Katie Couric's Whiny Commencement Speech: 'Mistreated' and 'Cheated' at CBS News?

Katie Couric, who made $15 million a year anchoring the CBS Evening News for a half-hour each weeknight, delivered a remarkably self-pitying commencement address at the University of Virginia on ...
Media Research Center

Morning Shows Skip Ideological Labels for Violent Anti-War Protesters

Violent anti-war protesters clashed with Chicago police this weekend, but the network morning shows on Monday avoided attempts at pinning an ideology on them, simply referring to "anti-war" ...
Media Research Center

CNBC's Cramer Declares: 'Romney's Known as a Job Destroyer'

On Sunday's NBC Meet the Press, CNBC Mad Money host Jim Cramer followed Obama campaign talking points perfectly as he decried Mitt Romney's business record at Bain Capital: "Romney's known as ...
Media Research Center

CBS’s Schieffer Derides Boehner for Tying Debt Ceiling Hike to Spending Cuts: ‘Was He Kidding?’

The Sunday interview show hosts all reacted with disbelief toward House Speaker John Boehner’s pledge to demand spending cuts equal to the debt ceiling increase, with CBS’s Bob Schieffer ...
Media Research Center

Ratings-Starved Piers Morgan Pushes Whacky Romney-Jeremiah Wright Conspiracy Theory

Even after Mitt Romney condemned a proposed controversial super PAC ad attacking President Obama, CNN's Piers Morgan couldn't help but speculate on whether the candidate was still playing ...
Media Research Center

Chris Matthews Mocks Hannity's Rev. Wright 'Crap': FNC Thinks Obama Is a 'Black Revolutionary'

Hardball's Chris Matthews ranted on Friday that Sean Hannity and Fox News are spreading "crap" about Barack Obama and trying to turn the President into a "black revolutionary" with an ...
Media Research Center

While Trying to Smear House GOP as Racist, MSNBC Mixes Up Rep. Jesse Jackson With Rev. Jesse Jackson

In the midst of fill-in host Craig Melvin hyping accusations that black lawmakers were "being unfairly targeted for ethics investigations" by the Republican-led House Ethics Committee during ...
Media Research Center

Chris Matthews Hypes Kathleen Sebelius: She's a Hero for Making Birth Control 'Free'

According to Chris Matthews, the radically pro-abortion Kathleen Sebelius has "done more to reduce the number of unwanted pregnancies than anyone in this country." Matthews assailed pro-life ...
Media Research Center

NBC: Proposed 'Explosive' Jeremiah Wright Ad Would Put 'Race Front and Center'

On Thursday's NBC Nightly News, anchor Brian Williams decried a pitch to use President Obama's former radical left-wing pastor Jeremiah Wright in a campaign ad: "...there was an explosive ...
Media Research Center

Krauthammer Slams Media’s ‘Appalling Double Standard’ on Teenage Romney v Obama’s Wright

Reacting to Mitt Romney’s discomfort toward proposed independent expenditure ads reminding Americans of President Obama’s connections to Reverend Jeremiah Wright, on FNC Thursday night Charles ...
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