Daily BiasAlerts, a product of the MRC's News Analysis Division, detail the latest instances of media bias by analyzing national media coverage of politics and policy. As of February 2015, they are no longer posted on MRC.org, but can be read on the CyberAlerts page of our NewsBusters blog.
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On Thursday's Kathy show on Bravo!, host and left-wing comedienne Kathy Griffin called Elisabeth Hasselbeck by two vulgar words after playing a clip of the right-leaning co-host of ABC's The View ...
Chris Matthews played the race card on Mitt Romney, Thursday, angrily
insisting that the Republican presidential candidate bringing up
Jeremiah Wright is the equivalent of mocking Black ...
CNN continued its narrative of tying gay rights to the civil
rights movement of the 1960s, on Tuesday's Starting Point. Anchor Brooke
Baldwin and her panel battered Virginia Delegate Bob ...
Zach Wahls is an activist lobbying Congress on behalf of gay rights
issues, and yet CNN's Suzanne Malveaux rolled out the red carpet for him
with nary a critical question on Thursday's 12 p.m. ...
Appearing on MSNBC's Andrea Mitchell Reports on Thursday to discuss the
passing of disco singer Donna Summer, contributor Toure unleashed a
viscous rant against those who didn't care for the ...
In the latest example of the liberal media painting the Republican Party as somehow extreme, Charlie Rose touted a headline from the New York Times on Thursday's CBS This Morning that negatively ...
During the Today's Professionals panel discussion on Thursday's NBC
Today, NBC chief medical editor Nancy Snyderman cheered the latest cover
of Newsweek magazine that proclaimed President ...
In a bizarre attempt to make Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg wearing a
hoodie at a recent Wall Street meeting into a racial issue, on
Thursday's NBC Today, attorney and panelist Star Jones ...
Barack Obama suffered an embarrassing defeat, Wednesday, when the U.S.
Senate rejected his budget 99-0. But, one wouldn't know it on ABC or
CBS. The two networks completely skipped the ...
Diversity of thought on MSNBC: Liberal Chris Matthews on Wednesday
talked to liberal journalist David Corn and liberal Congressman Steve
Israel about the "Tea Party crackpots" and whether the ...